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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 14, 2024 4 <br /> Mayor Grant is concerned that we don't know what the fire department vision is going to cost. <br /> He thinks we'd be best off to make sure we are covered. He thinks Option A-3 is not out of the <br /> question. His second choice would be Option A-2. The fire station is estimated at$24 million. He <br /> looked at what the residential monthly impact is around$3.00 but if it was a property tax it would <br /> be $9.00. If we come up short, we'll have to go back and levy the amount equal to three times the <br /> amount of what you could have received had we scaled it up now. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if he wanted to make sure we're covered because we don't know <br /> what the cost is. We can use the money to pay it early. <br /> Mayor Grant said according to Ehlers, we can refinance, but we're limited to 10-years. He stated <br /> the options are a little unclear. He said the options become really constrained, if the entire amount <br /> is not covered. He noted the cost is not going to go down, but it can go up. <br /> Councilmember Monson said the Fire Board believes it is between $20-$25 million. This is an <br /> estimate with the information we have. <br /> Mayor Grant said Option 3 at$542,000 seems to be too much. He would like to see an option <br /> somewhere between the $395,000 and $542,000. He remembers discussion where $3.86 would be <br /> $455,000. He thinks that seems to cover all options. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked if$50,000 equals about 1% levy increase. Finance Director <br /> Yang confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said if the cost to build this was a little more, and we needed to go up <br /> to $4.20 every month that would be a 1% levy increase next year. Finance Director Yang <br /> confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Monson would be open to getting more franchise fees than what is bonded for <br /> to help pay it off early and for the reasons Mayor Grant discussed. Especially if the wait is 10 <br /> years before it could be refinanced. She would be open to an amount between the $395,000 and <br /> $542,000. <br /> Mayor Grant asked Mike Wilhelmi if that is possible. <br /> Mike Wilhelmi confirmed. He didn't think that would be a problem. He asked the council if they <br /> had a more specific number to target. <br /> Councilmember Fabel is opposed to the franchise fee. He said the City needs money for the <br /> expenses it has coming up. Borrowing money makes sense for that. It is appropriate to adequately <br /> cover the risk of additional expense. <br /> Mayor Grant said this would be a 15-year at 75 basis points with AAA rating. Having it based on <br /> $420,000. Maybe we want to go with $430,000. That would assume the $24 million. <br />