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<br /> ~"---' ~ , <br /> I <br /> MINUTE BOOK <br /> , , . <br /> " <br /> MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Vi lIage of Arden Hills <br /> Monday, Decembe r 30, 1968 - 8:00 p.m. <br /> Ca II to Order <br /> Mayor BJorndah I called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. <br /> - <br /> . Roll. Call <br /> Present - Mayor BJorndahl. Councilmen Crepeau, Olmen and Henderson <br /> Absent - Councilman Hollenhorst <br /> Also Present - Atty. Vincent P. Courtney, Engr. Donald Lund, Maintenance <br /> Supervisor Everett Beecher, Administrative Clerk Lorraine <br /> . Stromquist and Deputy Clerk Florence M. Honan <br /> Approval of Minutes <br /> The minutes of the regular council meeting of December 9, 1968 were <br /> approved as submitted. <br /> Business from the Floor <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF ATTY. VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> Lease AQreement - Maintenance Equipment <br /> Atty. Courtney summarized a letter from him, dated December 50, 1968, <br /> to the counc II regarding a lease purchase agreement between the vIllage <br /> and Tousley Ford Co. for a pick up truck and snow plow; he also sub- <br /> ml tted and read a Resolution regarding the transaction. <br /> Councilman Crepeau moved, seconded by Councilman Olmen, the adoption <br /> of a Resolution, as attached, approving the lease purchase agreement; <br /> motion carried unanimously. <br /> Atty. Courtney Informed the council that If the equipment Is purchased, <br /> an application should be submitted for the rebate of the excise tax <br /> to the village. <br /> Atty. Courtney Informed the councIl that the village should get a <br /> copy of the Insurance endorsement from the Hlte Agency. <br /> Vending MachIne Ordinance - Second and Final Reading <br /> CouncIlman Crepeau moved the rules be waived, and the second and <br /> final readIng be given to an Ordinance lIcensing vending machines, <br /> establishIng I I cense fees therefore and establIshIng penalties for <br /> violation; seconded by councilman Henderson; motion carried. <br /> Arden Hills - Grudnoske Contract <br /> Atty. Courtney informed the council that a letter from Mr. Grudnoske's <br /> attorney stated that the contract I s agreeable. However, the county <br /> . assessor recommends against abating the 1968 taxes due In 1969 ; Atty. <br /> Courtney does not believe the vi Ilage should assume these. Atty. <br /> Courtney will inform the council of Mr. Grudnoske's determination <br /> after consulting with Atty. Quinn. <br /> . LI ndgren Easement - County Road D dated December 30, 1966 <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist received a I ette r . <br /> ~ from Atty. Courtney in which he stated that he has not examined the <br /> title of the Lindgren property at 1133 County Road D; the vii lage <br /> plans to i nsta II a storm sewer on this easement at a cost of $400 <br /> plus labor. Counc II directed Atty. Courtney to examine this title. <br /> - <br /> . - <br /> Marcus Schmidt Condemnation - Water Impr. 68-1 <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist rece I ved a I ette r , dated December 18, 1968 <br /> from Atty. Salland, which stated that the commissioners had awarded <br /> Marcus Schmidt, 1830 County Road E., $1,000 for the vi Ilage condem- <br /> nation of a part of his p rope rty for the Installation of water <br /> facilities. Mr. Schmidt had asked for $1,400. Council agreed to <br /> the awarded amount. <br /> - 1 - <br /> ,- -- - - ___n_ - -_..._--_._--._...._.._._~- -----.-- <br />