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<br /> , <br /> . . 4L,... <br /> . <br /> Minutes of The Regular Council Meet I ng <br /> December 30, 1968 <br /> Page Two <br /> REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN CREPEAU - Public Safety <br /> . None. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN OLMEN - Public Works <br /> . Snow Removal <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl and the councilmen commended Mr. Beecher on the <br /> snow remova I considering the shortage of equipment and two novices <br /> operating the plows. <br /> Mr. Beecher informed the council that the new truck Is now at Garwood <br /> to have the plow attached. <br /> Mr. Beecher informed the council that contractors removing snow from <br /> private property are causing some p rob Ie ms ; the snow Is plowed onto <br /> the village street and not removed. <br /> Mayor BJorndah I stated that the biggest problem Is In the Industrial <br /> area. Clerk requested to write letters to Roberts Construction Co. <br /> to Inform them that the village will not plow Gray Fox Road and <br /> Dunlap Street If this condition continues. The snow plowing con- <br /> tractors should remove the snow from the premises, when It Is not <br /> possible to pile the snow on the owner's property. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> - <br /> Absent. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HENDERSON _ Finance and Civic Center <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR BJORNDAHL - Parks & Recreat I on, Human Rights <br /> . <br /> None. <br /> REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> Slqn Ordinance Variance Request - Standard Station <br /> Standard 01 I Co., 1306 West County Road E, requested a variance to <br /> allow Signcrafters Outdoors Display to I nsta II a "s & H Green Stamp" <br /> sign within the setback area. <br /> . The Board of Appeals had submitted their report, dated Dqcember 9, <br /> 1968, in which two membe rs recommended denial and one member recom- <br /> mending approval. <br /> . Mayor BJorndahl determined from the sketch that the proposed place- <br /> ment of the sign would Interfere wi th the proposed se rv i ce road. <br /> Counc II requested Clerk Lorraine Stromquist to request Standard 011 <br /> Co. to attach the proposed sign to their present rotating sign. <br /> License Renewals <br /> Councilman Olmen moved approval of the following licenses, excepting <br /> the products dispensed by vending machines: <br /> Big Ten Supper Club Cigarettes, Cafe <br /> Canteen Corp. Cafe, Soft Drinks <br /> Canteen Company of Minn. Cigarettes, Restaurant, Soft Drinks <br /> fo r Honeywe I I Bldgs. 502 & 103 <br /> McGuire's Inc. Cigarettes, Restaurant, Soft <br /> Drinks, On and Off Safe Malt <br /> Councilman Crepeau seconded the motion; motion carried. <br />