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<br /> .' <br /> . - <br /> - <br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regular Counci I ~\i'leet j ng <br /> December 9, 1968 <br /> Page Six <br /> Othe r LI cense Renewa I s <br /> Counci Iman Crepeau moved approval of the fo I low in g annual licenses: <br /> Llndey's Prime Steak House - Cafe, Soft Drinks, Cigarettes <br /> G. D. ~1. , Inc. - On and Off Sa Ie ~la It Liquor <br /> Flaherty's - Cafe, Juke Box, Soft Drinks <br /> Hal'ki ns - Go If Tee, Soft Drinks <br /> . Seconded by Councliman Henderson; motion carried. <br /> Christmas Tree Sales - 4643 Highway 10 <br /> Counci Iman Crepeau moved, seconded by Counc i I man Ho I I enhorst, that <br /> . Mrs. Robert Wi Ison, 4643 Highway 10 be pe rm I tted to se II Christmas <br /> t re e S from this location f rom De cembe r 10, 1968 unt i I Christmas; <br /> motion carried. <br /> Tax Forfeited Land Resolution <br /> Counci lman Crepeau moved the adoption of a Resolution. as attached, <br /> stating that Arden H I II s has no interest I n Lot 6. Block 2, Josephine <br /> Hi II s. a parcel of tax forfeited land; seconded by Counc I I man Hollen- <br /> horst; motion carried. <br /> Metro Section Meetl n~ <br /> Material from the Metro Section of the League of Minnesota MunIcipalities <br /> regard i ng the tax program and metro structure was distributed to the <br /> councl I. The Metro Section requested rep resentat i on from Arden HI lis <br /> at their meeting to be held on December 12. at 8:00 p.m. Clerk <br /> Lorraine Stromquist to request Frank Stanton. Chairman of the Finance <br /> Committee to represent us. <br /> Vllla~e Insurance <br /> Mayor Bjorndah! I n formed the counci I that he had a request the <br /> Bachman-Anderson Insurance Agency to review the viiI age Insurance. <br /> The counc I I 'felt this req uest was made too late for consideration <br /> for 1969 Insurance cove rage. but referred the matter to the finance <br /> committee for consideration another year. <br /> Adjournment <br /> The meeting adjourned at 11: 15 p.m. <br /> / ;4 <br /> Ro~~rndah I Lorraine Stromqu I st <br /> Mayor Administrative Clerk <br /> . <br /> . <br />