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<br /> ~., , , <br /> . ' <br /> " > Minute Book <br /> - ... <br /> - - <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> ~~onday - Novembe r 25, 1968 - 8:00 p.m. <br /> Call to Order <br /> fhe-meeting-was called to order by tAayor BJorndah I at 8:00 p.m. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Present-= Mayor BJorndahl, Councilmen Crepeau, Olmen and Henderson <br /> Absent - CouncIlman Hollenhorst <br /> . Also Present - Village Atty. V I n ce n t P. Courtney, Vi Ilape Enpineer <br /> Donald Lund, Vi llage Treasurer Worth G. Pead, "a I ntenance <br /> SupervIsor Everett Beecher, AdminIstrative Clerk Lorraine <br /> Stromquist and Deputy Clerk Florence ". Honan <br /> . ~1!.!:.'2.'!.~L'2.tJ~.!..Q..!tl2.~ <br /> The minutes of the repular counci I meeting of November 11, 1968, <br /> we re app roved as amended. <br /> BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> New Brinhton Road - Placement of UtIlities <br /> ------------------------------------------ <br /> Ralph Perry, 3670 New Brighton Road, stated that he had been told by <br /> Engr. Roper Short that the water improvement would be I nsta II ed on <br /> the west side of New Brighton Road; however, the survey was belnp made <br /> for the east side of the road. He felt it would be more practical to <br /> have the sewer on the east side, as proposed, with the water on the <br /> west side. Counc II requested him to confer with Engr. Lund. <br /> , <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> ~~t!.!:._<l!:.<!!..'l~'ls.~_~"!'!'.!.<!'!!.~'.!.t~_:._E.!..!:.!t_f3.~~<!!.'.!.!l.~ <br /> As recommended by Atty. Cou rtney, Councilman Crepeau moved that two <br /> amendments be introduced by title, and given first readIngs; namely: <br /> "An Ordinance Amending Ord. No. 103, relating to the municipal wate r <br /> system, to alter the charpes therein as deposits on water meters", <br /> and "An Ordinance Amending Ord. 103, Relating to the municipal Water <br /> System, To Estab Ii sh a Procedure for the Payment of Connection Fees <br /> for Arden Hills Property Serviced by Outside Water Systems, and <br /> Permittlnp Levy of Assessments therefore", and directed Atty. Courtney <br /> to combine these two amendments with the amendment that was given its <br /> first readIng at the council meeting of October 28, 1968; seconded by <br /> Councilman Olmen; motion carried. <br /> ~!.!:.!~'l'.!.l2.L_<l!:.<!!.'.!.~'.!.s.~_~"!!.'.!.<!"!~'.!.t_~_E!.!:.~t_f3.'!~<!!..'.!.a <br /> Councilman moved that an ordinance repea Ii np Ord. No. 106 and amend,i np <br /> Ord. No. 83, the Personne I Ordinance, by adjusting sick leave and <br /> vacation benef I ts and grantlnn additional dIscretion to the council <br /> " , first readinp; <br /> In certain matters, be introduced by title and plven Its <br /> seconded by Councilman Olmen; motion carried. <br /> '=. '!~!..!..s._~~!:.~!i_I!Q. <!_~ ~tl:5. !i_Cl~!!.~!:.t~!.Q.!.~_'!!..~g, E!._ ~s.~ '!~'!!.. L~!:.~J!.<2.~~!.. <br /> . Atty. Courtney submitted a rough draft of a Resolution establ ishlnp <br /> the wage schedule for 1969 for employees i n the Department of Public <br /> Works and Pa rks. Clerk reQuested to distribute copies to the Council <br /> for further study, with action to be taken December 9, 1968; thIs would <br /> pive Mr. Evans, Union rep resentat,i ve, time to study the proposal. <br /> . ~<2.s.~E!.~_~!..'.!.I:5._~~!:.~!.'.!.a_~'2.t_:._~<2.~Q.t~_f3.<2.~<!_~ <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist has a written opinion, dated November 25, <br /> 1968, from Atty. Cou rtney regarding the title for this property. <br /> Attorney Courtney pointed out that there are deed restrictions on this <br /> lot wh ich are va lid unt i I 1976. The use of this lot for parkinp could <br /> possibly be in violation with the residential only use restrictIon. <br /> Attorney Courtney Informed the council of three possible actions which <br /> the council cnuld take; 1. The contract could be vol ded as the pro- <br /> pe rty is not lI11rketable for the proposed use. 2. Village could <br /> apply to the District Court to have the restrictions set aside. <br /> 3. The v i I I age could take the r I s k. <br /> H. Lagerstrom, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, felt <br /> the proposed use of the lot would not be Questioned since the village <br /> did receive a petition f rom the residents In the area whIch reouested <br /> improvement of this playground. Councilman Crepeau moved that Atty. <br /> Courtney be authorized to conclude the apreement for the purchase of <br /> Lot 32, Block I, Arden Hills No. 2 , wi th .It.. I ~Ml realty Company; seconded <br /> - 1 - U,:5 , <br />