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<br /> , <br /> , <br /> - < <br /> Minutes of Regular CouncIl ~eeting <br /> Novembe r 25, 1968 <br /> Page 2 <br /> by Councilman Henderson; motion carried. <br /> Atty. Courtney will notify the county auditor of this action. <br /> ~~t~~_L~~~~~~~~~t_~I~l_~_~~LLL~~_s~~~~~~! Bettendorf's appraisal <br /> Public Works Committee found no objection to Mr. <br /> . of this property. Councilman Olmen moved that Mr. Rell ing be paid <br /> $,3,100 for the Water Improvement 67-1 easement; seconded by Counc II man <br /> Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> ~~~Lt~~~_~~~~~_L~~~~~~~~~!_~~~_~_~_~~~~~~~_S~~~~~~t <br /> . Public Works Committee found no objection to Hr. Bettendorf's appraisal <br /> of this property; therefore, Councilman Dlmen moved that Mr. Krannak <br /> be paid $1,500 for the Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.9 easement; <br /> seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> Amendment to Ordinance No. 99 - First Reading <br /> Co un cT 1m an -Henderson-Introduced -il y- fT ff e-a'nd- moved the first reading <br /> be given to an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 99, the 70nlnll Ordi- <br /> nance~ to expand permitted encroachments and establish time limitations <br /> for variances and special use permits; seconded by Councilman Olmen; <br /> motion carried. <br /> Matter referred to the Planning Commission. Atty. CourtnlilY had sub- <br /> mitted sufficient copies of the amendment for the council and also <br /> Planner C. Da Ie. <br /> REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <i~l!.<!.I]..~~~~_F:~~~~~h description of this pro- <br /> Engineer Lund reported that the first lellal <br /> pe rty was I n e r ro r , the second description caused doubts If Mr. <br /> GrudnOske actua I I y owned a I I of the decri bed property; the third <br /> dlilscrlptlon, submitted by Mr. Grudnoske's attorney, Hr. Oulnn, which <br /> shortened the property the village proposed to purchase by 23 feet. <br /> Attorney Courtney Informed the counc II the v I II age Is p rote cte d <br /> with title Insurance on previously owned property. <br /> Thlil well on this property Is still not operable. Atty. Courtney has <br /> so Informed Mr. Ou I nn, and Mr. Beecher has talked with Mr. Grudnoske <br /> who stated he wi II have the we II repa I red. <br /> Atty. Courtney has Included In the contract that Mr. Grudnoske is <br /> II ab Ie for the we I I repair. Attorney Courtney wi II write to Atty. <br /> Oulnn to inform him that the legal description Is satisfactory; he <br /> will also mention to AttV. Oulnn the matter of the tax lIability <br /> I f the contract isn't fin a Ii zed this year. <br /> . f3.~l2.~~t!L_~~CLIl.~L~C_h!Lt~~_~~!!.~C rece I ved <br /> Enqlneer Lund Informed the council of a copy of a letter he <br /> f romC I Iff Lund, Roberts Construction Co., which stated that ~he <br /> Fire Underwriters has given approval to u,s I ng one 8" w,aterl ine to <br /> service two buildings as long as Roberts owns both but !dings. Engr. <br /> . Lund fee I s I f Roberts se I I s one bu II ding then the Village should force <br /> a second connection. <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl expressed concern because Roberts has done work before <br /> In the vlllage without first obtaining permits. No permit was taken <br /> out fo r th is Installation and no approval for an exception to the <br /> ordinance was requested. A representative of the fire protectIon <br /> service which dId the installation was present; he explained ths <br /> present system and also the proposal for the future. He stated that <br /> no permit was required two yea rs ago when the system was instal led <br /> In the first building, but It was n.llllllence on his part for not <br /> applying for a permit for the connection to the second building. Mr. <br /> Beecher confirmed this statement by Informing the council that the first <br /> Installation was made in Ju I y, 1967, which was prior to the adoption <br /> of the ordinance. <br /> Atty. Courtney said there were two matters to be cons dered rellardinQ <br /> the installation for the se con d building - 1) No perm t was applied <br /> - 2 - <br />