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<br /> , <br /> Minutes of Regular Counci I tAee-ring <br /> Novembe r 25, 1968 <br /> Page Five <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl believes vii lage should request the telephone company <br /> and the natural gas company to furnish maps of present InstallatIons <br /> and also believesnew installations should be approved by Ik. Beeche r, <br /> who wi II confer with Banister Engineering Co. on any problems. <br /> Public Works Radio Units <br /> ------------------------ <br /> As recommended by the P~bl Ic Works Committee, Counci Iman Olmen moved <br /> . the approval of -rhe purchase of radio units for two trucks at an <br /> estimated cost of $1260.00; also, the pur;hase of one portable unit <br /> at an estimated cost of $652 for a new unl t, or $250 for a used one; <br /> seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> . S~~~~tt_~~~~~~~_~_~~~~[~_L~_S~~L~~~~~t_~L~~~LtL~~tL~~ <br /> Councilman Olmen moved, seconded by Councilman Crepeau, that Everett <br /> Beeche r, Maintenance Supervisor, having completed his six months <br /> probationary period, be classified as a regular full-tIme employee <br /> effective November 15, 1968 ; motion carried. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR RJORNOAHl - Parks and Recreation <br /> Skatinc:l Rinks <br /> ------......------ <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl reported that the village will provide four warming <br /> houses this year for the rinks, and also provide rink attendants. <br /> Last year Rosevllle took a survey of the number of skat,rs using the <br /> Johanna Jr. High School rink, whiCh showed 80S from Arderr HILI. and <br /> '20 from Rosevllle; Arden Hi lis wll I ~ake another survey ml~-year. <br /> Mr. Beecher was requested to contact Home Gas Co. for a heatlnc:l unit <br /> for the Mounds View High ' - <br /> School warmIng House. <br /> Waiver of Heatlnc:l Permit Fees <br /> fhe-councff-agre~d-fo-wafve-fhe permit fees for the heat I ng work for <br /> the skating rinks and also the village maintenance bu II dl ng. <br /> ~L~~<2.~L~L!.~_'i~~!.L'l[ <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl reported that Dick Hoffman, Planning CommIssion member, <br /> attended this meeting of the north suburban area. The Coon Rapids <br /> Mayor had called I~ayor Bjorndat. I prior to this meeting and explained <br /> that many of the north suburban municipalities are in favor of the <br /> airport being located at the Ham Lake site for economic reasons; the <br /> voices In opposition heard In the pape rs are In div Idua Is, who, have <br /> formed an associatIon. <br /> 'i~~~~~_~L~~_E~~LL~_~~~~~L~_~~~~~~ View Public Schools, <br /> Lette r, dated Novembe r 20, 1968, f rom the Mounds <br /> Informed the council that the result of a survey taken by the Bureau <br /> of Fie I d Studies, University of ~~ Inn ""sota w I II be given a formal <br /> report at the HIgh School on December 9, 1968, at 8,00 p.m. Mayor <br /> Bjorndahl felt the village should be rep re se nted and requested Clerk <br /> . , Lorraine Stromquist to contact a member of the PlannIng Commission to <br /> attend. <br /> !.~~~._~ ~L~~~_~~~~~~ L~ _!. E!. ~~~Q. !._E~~LL ~_'i! ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ 12 c! _E~ ~~ ~L <br /> Mayor Bjorndahl read the proposed salary schedule to be effectIve <br /> . January I, 1969, for employees other than public works and parks. <br /> Councilman Crepeau moved approval of the salary schedule, as attached; <br /> seconded by Councilman Olmen; motion carried. <br /> REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMOUIST <br /> E~'!1.~!...~_~ ~L ~~~~~_~_~~~~[El_!.~_S'!1.~L~~'!1.El 12 !._~!...~~ ~ Lf.L ~..!!. L~~ <br /> As recommended by Clerk Lorraine Stro,mQuist, Councilman Olmen moved; <br /> seconded by Councilman Henderson; that Clerk TypiST Pamela Calander <br /> be classified as a regular ful I-time employee, beginning December 12, <br /> 1968, the expiration date of her probationary period; motion carried. <br /> E~~!...L~_~~~~LQ[_~~tL~El_~_~'!1.El'lc!'!1.~'lt_~t_~~~~L'l[_E~LL~~ <br /> Council received a letter, dated November 20.. 1968, fro,m Larry Brodie, <br /> chairman of the Planning Commission advising that a publ Ie hearing <br /> wi II be held on the amended Housino Pol Icy on December 3, 1968 at <br /> 8:00 p.m.. at the vii lage ha I I . The eounc i I had previously received <br /> copies of the proposed changes, <br /> - 5 - <br />