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<br /> .- ... <br /> l <br /> , <br /> Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting - November 11, 1968 <br /> Page Two <br /> ~L~t~~~~~~~~~a~~~~_~~~L~~a~ <br /> The drainage easement from Mr. and '~rs. Dickerson and Mr. and ~~rs. <br /> Bergeson to allow the Vi Ilage to construct a tarred ditch to carry <br /> surfaca water from Oak Avenue across their property, has been obtalnad, <br /> . and when the signed copies are rece i ved by the Village Office, the <br /> matter of construction Is to be referred to the Public Works Depart- <br /> ment. <br /> Counci Iman H. Crepeau reported a driveway problem due to Water <br /> . Improvement at the residence of Jesse Turkington, 3252 Johanna Blvd. <br /> which was referred to the Public Works department. <br /> VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> Villa~e Street Li~htln~ <br /> -----~----------------- <br /> Severa I copies of data complied by Banister Engineering Co. were <br /> received by the Council from Don Lund, to be used by neighborhood <br /> citizen committees In their studies for streat lighting plans. These <br /> plans were rafarred to the Public Works and Public Safetv Committees <br /> for raview prior to submitted to the individual committees. <br /> -!..~~~L~<!~~Lf3.~q~~~Lt~~_~~l!~~_~~~'!.L~Lf.~~~_t!~l!_~~L9.Il!.~~ - Pre II m in a ry <br /> Report . <br /> Copies of Don Lund's prel imlnary report regarding Mr. Adam's request <br /> to connect his trailar park to the New Brighton sewers ware distributed <br /> to the Counc I I membe rs, with a more detailed reportl'to follow. 'e (;'", <br /> ,A-<,..c... "n.-I..AL Iv <br /> Charges for this connaction were outllnad as fo II ows : <br /> 1. $200.00 connection charge for each mobile home unit <br /> and the laundry bldg. to N.S.S.S.D. plus an undetermined <br /> connection charge to be made by New Brighton. <br /> 2. ~( renta I charges of $9.50 for each mobile home unit <br /> and the laundry bui Iding. (Mr. Adams advised this was <br /> quoted to him as a quarterly charge, rather than monthly.) <br /> Clerk was asked to request Don Lund to contact Mr. Adams re further <br /> study referred to in his letter of November 7, 1968. <br /> Ll2.a~~~~~~t.~~I2.l!~~<!_'2.~~L~~a~, David I rw I n <br /> (absent) <br /> Mrs. Irwin advised that the report is not complete and that Mr. I rwi 1'1 <br /> was not aware that this matter would be on the agenda for tonight's <br /> meeting. <br /> . COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> Case No. 68-38, David Westlund Variance Request <br /> Councrfman-J~-Hollenhorst advised the Council of the Board of Appeal's <br /> recommendation of approval of the variance, as requested. He reportad <br /> . that there was no objection from the neighbor and that the Planning <br /> Commission recommends concurrence with the Board of Apreals' recom- <br /> mendation. Councilman Hollenhorst moved that tha Council approve the <br /> vari ance as requested; seconded by H. Crepeau; carried. <br /> ~~<!~~_'iL!..L~~t!~l!_~ ~L[1l !.~~ _~~~~<!~~'l. <br /> Councilman J. Hollenhorst advised that the Planning Commission, upon <br /> receipt of a letter from Attorney Courtney regarding the difficulties <br /> In serving areas west of Highway 35W with utilities, it was recom- <br /> mended by the Commission that 35W be considered as a daslrable West <br /> boundary for Arden Hills; referring the matter of feasibility to the <br /> Finance Committee for study. (Copy of Attorney Courtney's I ette r , <br /> dated Octobe r 18, 1968 and the Planning,Commission recommendation to <br /> be sent to tha Finance Committee.) <br /> - 2 - <br /> ------ <br /> ---------- <br />