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<br /> .. . <br /> . <br /> Regular Counci I Meeting - October 28, 1968 <br /> Page Seven <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HOLLEN HORST <br /> ~ 't~4l_lil! :.~L:._~,-_G.,-_13.~ !..'2._ _F:I.:<ll!..C?~'!.L <br /> See "Business from the Floor" <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN CREPEAU <br /> . No Report <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HENDERSON <br /> . Absent <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN OLMEN <br /> '=.L!. L~!. '!.!. !..C?'2.Ji~e.'!.!..~ <br /> See Engineer's Report <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR BJORN DAHL <br /> Parks and RecreatIon CommIttee Meetln~ <br /> -------------------------------~------ <br /> This committee met on October 15, 1968 and discussed the development <br /> of the Perry Park, the hockey rink on Co Rd E and the property on <br /> Lexington Avenue. The members are also studying the Information <br /> rece I ved from HUD. <br /> Tax Forfeited Land <br /> Mayor-aJorndahl-fnformed the council that the committee Is not Interested <br /> In the aval)able tax forfeited land for recreational purposes. <br /> ~<:.I!.C?C?L_~L!!.!.':L<:.!._13.4l<:.':ct'!.!.LC?!!._Q.4le.'!.t!.~!.'2.!. <br /> The recommendation for the appointment of a village representative <br /> to the school district recreation department will be decided at <br /> another meeting. <br /> REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> BuitdlnQ Permit Time Extension - Skelly 011 Co. <br /> A-leffer-dafed-OcfobeF-7~-f968 was received from the S ke I I y 0 II Co. <br /> which an extension of time for the construction of the Skelly Service <br /> station at Lexington Avenue and Red Fox Road. The council approved <br /> this request. <br /> ~e.P..C?':tLC?!!.~4l'lLC?t._'l~~~~~~4l'lt~ <br /> CouncIlman Crepeau moved the approval of a resolution, as attached, <br /> relating to the apportionment of assessments relating to Sanitary <br /> Sewe r Nos. 1, 3 and 6; seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst; motion <br /> carried. <br /> . Q.<:.<:.~L4l<LI':'!.LLct': - ResidflOtlal P rope rty <br /> Clerk re ported a complaint had been made regarding an occupied pro- <br /> perty on residential property; Councilman Crepeau Informed the <br /> council that this trailer has been sold and will be moved off the <br /> . property November 4. <br /> Codification of Ordinances <br /> Clerk-Corrafne-SfromqulsF informed the counc i I that Shorevlew has <br /> not completed its codification of the ordinances, that for Shorevlew <br /> It has been costly and that their attorney revises Ordinances to <br /> a limited degree. Council referred again to Atty. Courtney the <br /> codification of the Arden HII Is ordinances to get the project <br /> o;tarted and then the project to be referred to the Ordinance Com- <br /> ml ttee. <br /> Q.4lL!..'lq~~'lt_~~~ctl.:_~SSC?~'2.t~ - Certification to County Auditor <br /> CouncIlman Crepeau moved the approval of a Resolution, as attached, <br /> certifying the delinquent sewer amounts to the county auditor for <br /> collection; seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst; motion carried. <br /> - 7 - <br /> - <br />