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<br /> . f"\C~U I 01 ......Vllll"..... I ....................... . ~ -- <br /> ,-'......... ,..~ -- , <br /> Page Six <br /> REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> Mound Avenue <br /> Mr:--AT-RoesT e r , 1964 Mound Avenue, and Mr. James Adams, Twin City <br /> Trailer Park, were present regarding a proposed plan for the end <br /> of Mound Avenue. Engineer Lund drew a rough sketch of the site <br /> showing the proposed additional area to provide for a turn around. <br /> Mr. Roesler questioned the feasibility of the plan. Engineer Lund <br /> to prepare a drawing of the plan, an estimate of cost for the Improve- <br /> . ment, Including the upgrading of the road, and also an ownership <br /> report. <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~ da~ed October 25, <br /> Engineer Lund submitted a letter, 1968, with copies <br /> . to the Counc II which described a proJect which would solve the <br /> drainage problem In this area. Attac~ed to said letter was a map <br /> showing 84 lots which would benefit from the improvement and could <br /> be assessed. These were given to the counc i I for study and considera- <br /> tion for counc I I action. Mr. David I'rwi n, 1200 Ingerson Rd., was <br /> also given a copy. Mr. I rw I n w I II contact the peop I. e Involved In an <br /> effort to obtain a petition in favor of the project and report to <br /> " the counc i I at the next meeting. <br /> . .1' <br /> Water Assessment - Reiling Property <br /> Engineer Lund reported he had received an inquiry from George Reiling regardin~. <br /> his property north of the industrial park. If, in the future, Mr. Reiling <br /> would like water hydrants placed along the main through his property, would <br /> the village pay for these, or would the property be assessed: he would like <br /> a policy statement. Engineer Lund stated that hydrants are placed on the <br /> mains in developed areas only, but felt this should not be an assessment. <br /> The council will study the matter. <br /> f!C!.q'!E!.!i.LtQ.L\ii!tC!.r._~Q.'lr.!.E!.c:.tLQ.'l <br /> Engineer Lund reported a reque,t from the owner of property at Siems <br /> Court and Johanna Blvd. to conlect to the water main on Johanna Blvd. <br /> (Water Improvement 68-1); the property Is scheduled to be Included <br /> In a future Improvement. Councilman Hollenhorst moved the approval <br /> of a change order to Water Imrrovement 68-1 at an estimated cost of <br /> $1,456.00 to construct an 8" nain across Johanna Blvd. to se rve <br /> Lot 26. Block I, Arden Hills; seconded by Councilman Crepeau; motion <br /> carried. <br /> Engineer Lund explained that the cost appeared to be high, but this I s <br /> due to crossing a county roar. <br /> Lift Station Problems <br /> EnglneerTunrreported that~he 11ft stations at County Road E and <br /> Johanna Blvd. and the one o~ Ingerson Road are having problems with <br /> . check valves. The Iowa Va I"e Co. has agreed to provide a replacement <br /> valve for the one loc6ted 01 Co Rd E. if the village would pay the <br /> installation cost. LaMettf would I nsta II the valve for $1.000. <br /> Councilman Hollenhorst sugJested the village change manufacturers as <br /> . two of this company's val~as have been defective; <br /> Engineer Lund requested 10 obtain p rice s from other manufacturers; <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist will then po I I the counc II for action. <br /> \il!.t~ ~_I'2.~~~_1:. Lat.!. L L'l q~ LC't <br /> Mayor BJorndahl expresse' concern for sma I I planes and helicopters <br /> and the possibulty of thJlr hitting the water tower. Engineer Lund <br /> stated that he will cheo:k Into the matter. <br /> Red Fox Road <br /> cTiFfTorriiTne Stromquist reported a letter dated October 25. 1968. <br /> had been received from Ramsey County Engineer Deane Anklan which <br /> stated that Ramsey Courty could not provide day to day maintenance <br /> on Red Fox Road unt I I 'he completion of its reconstruction. Th I s <br /> reconstruction has be~l suggested for programming in 1969. <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist requested to write to Engineer Anklan and . <br /> suggest that Red Fox f.oad be maIntaIned at least for passengers cars <br /> and light trucks, an.) could be so posted. <br /> - 6 - <br />