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07-31-24 EDC Minutes
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EDC Minutes
07-31-24 EDC Minutes
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION – JULY 31, 2024 5 <br />businesses. Community Development Director Jagoe offered that staff could make the time to <br />join the commissioner for the in-person visit, if that is helpful. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen outlined the information that is captured from the county data. She stated <br />additional columns can be added. She asked if the commissioners could think of any additional <br />information that would be helpful. Commissioner Williams wondered if there would be any cross <br />checking with permits. Senior Planner Fransen said the city does have contact information <br />through the business licensing/registration process and that may be an option for follow up if no <br />response is received. Commissioner Bonine stated he thought future discussions should include <br />how to capture information from home businesses but he thought getting started with the <br />information from the county and capturing as many as possible now, is important. <br /> <br />Commissioner Williams wondered how would Presbyterian Homes or Bethel or Northwestern be <br />contacted. Commissioner Bonine thought it would be best to wait until the lists are generated and <br />ask questions at that time, rather than throwing out what-if scenarios for specific businesses right <br />now. Community Development Director Jagoe sought clarity as she understood commission <br />members didn’t intend to visit Bethel or Northwestern. She thought the commission was seeking <br />to capture the commercial businesses. Commissioner Bonine thought the commission should <br />begin with the commercial list, then try to capture the home businesses and the educational/health <br />care facilities, possibly as part of a second phase, as the questions might be different. Senior <br />Planner Fransen confirmed having a phase 2 is definitely an option. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Subramainaian had a thought on the handout with the QR code. She thought it might <br />be helpful to add language such as “complete the three-minute survey” as respondents may be <br />more likely to complete it if they know it will only take a short time. Commissioners agreed. Vice <br />Chair Subramianaian also thought the language could be clarified to make it clear that we want <br />them to take the survey. She thought is seems like more of a suggestion, rather than directions to <br />do so. Commissioner Bonine agreed that the language sounded casual but thought that could be <br />left to the Communications Department to clarify. <br /> <br /> <br />B. Gateway Signs Discussion <br /> <br />Community Development Director Jagoe began the discussion by reminding the commissioners <br />that City Council has talked about gateway signs. When the EDC started back up this year it was <br />mentioned that this would be a future discussion item. Budget for 2025 and the Capital <br />Improvement Budget discussions are beginning and there is money allocated for gateway signs. <br />She asked if there is interest in keeping this item on the workplan and drilling into the gateway <br />signs immediately or should that be set aside for now. Community Development Director Jagoe <br />noted the Capital Improvement Plan sets aside $270,000 in 2025 for a larger gateway sign at <br />Highway 96 and Lexington Avenue location. This has been an ongoing discussion for several <br />years. The council has identified seven sites but she wondered if there are other sites that should <br />be looked at. This has evolved into a larger discussion in regards to branding, design and expense. <br />Council is pushing it ahead and she wondered if the commissioners want to begin these discussions <br />or if it should be earmarked for a later time. The EDC is being asked to clarify a more realistic <br />vision, for budgetary purposes, if this is an item the commission wants staff to keep allocating for. <br />Commissioner Bonine asked if this was taken up by the EDC at one point and the commissions <br />input is wanted? Community Development Director Jagoe replied that this has been back and <br />forth between the EDC and the Economic Development Authority (EDA). The members of the
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