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<br />.,. .' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mi,u-res of Regular Ccunei I l';e0i-1n9 .- August :26, 196fJ <br />Page Five <br /> <br />REPORT OF AD~INISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />~~~[~~__~_~L~~~~!~_~~~l~l~~LL!l~~_~_Wo~~~~~~~ <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist advised the Counci I of the various work- <br />shops which wil I be conducted at the League of Minnesota Municipalities <br />Meeting on September 5, at the Ambassador Motor Hotel and advised that <br />Mr. D. Lund had prevIously been requested to represent the Vi Ilage <br />at the MetropolItan Counci I Sewer Plan and solid Waste Disposal work- <br />shop. Mr. Ev Beecher also requested to attend thIs workshop. Council <br />authorized his attendance and requested Clerk Stromquist to request <br />one or two persons from the Planning Commission to attend the Planning <br />and Zoning workshop, Pat Sexton to attend the "A Look at Liquor Legis- <br />lation workshop;"Roger Reiling to attend the 9-1-1 Emergency Number <br />Workshop. Clerk to send Councilman Crepeau a copy of the letter from <br />league of Minnesota Municipalities. <br /> <br />'=-~~[~-~L~.I!.~~~!Lt!!!..~.Ls-L!!.~!.l!l.~L~_~~!!!-!!!-Lt!~~_~!.~ u ct!!.!:.Lf.~!:._l2&..2- <br />Clerk L. Stromquist read a letter indicating the various committees <br />to be set up in 1969. <br /> <br />Interest <br />1. <br />2. <br /> <br />was indicated as fol lows: <br />Clerk Stromquist & Councilman Henderson <br />Councilman Crepeau - Public Safety <br /> <br />- Government & Finance <br /> <br />Clerk to check wIth other Councilmen and committee persons to see If <br />there are other Interested persons. <br /> <br />!:.l~~!!.~.L~I?.!Js.~tL~!- <br />Mr. Andrew C. Dabasl has appl led for On Sale & Off Sale Malt Liquor <br />and a Restaurant License to be effective September 2, 1968, to <br />operate at 4760 Old Highway 8. <br /> <br />It was moved by Counci Iman Gray Henderson to approve the lIcenses <br />subject to approval by the Police Department and PublIc Health Officer. <br />Seconded by Councilman S. Olmen, carried. <br /> <br />ClaIms <br />IT-was moved by Counc I I man S. 0 I men and seconded by Counc'!l man G. <br />Henderson that the claims be approved and paid as submitted; motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />~!!.J.~!!.!:.~ent <br />MeetIng Adjourned at 10: 10 p.rn, <br /> <br />;Ju/::._~1f) <br />ROberk;~flforndahT----------- <br />Mayor <br /> <br />~~-- - <br /> <br />lorraine E. Stromquist <br />Administrative Clerk <br />