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<br /> <br />'dif,' ~i\"y,.., ">~-..~" - <br />.....' "'~-''''';:'!h,~'~ <br />" .. , ,.".-,. ""',' ,.' <br />..,." --',_. ,.. . . ~.;... . .,~ .~,.. , <br />,,' .~ - ',.. '" '.' "', ..t. ,,' . <br />.~'.!" ~.,_";, "'~~'L:"'~" \,~_..1t, <br />.; {,:~.,. ":':-~\"i. ',:r,:~: I~ . .''':" /'/,'_._>'~z"f;;f't'}:'. <br /> <br /> <br />.',' <br /> <br />,'., <br /> <br />~,. . <br /> <br />";, <br /> <br />STAn CI" MIIdSOTA <br />comm: (11 lWISltY <br />VILLAGB 01, AllJ)1If BlU.8, <br />OItDDlANCI ,NO. ltJ 1. <br />. <br /> <br />. . <br />,. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />>-;'. <br />,..," <br /> <br />e" <br />~ <br /> <br />, " ~ . <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />',' <br /> <br />AlfOlUl~B AMlNDIIIG OlUlDlANCI!: lfO. 93. <br />'l'IlB'IUIW_ qClDI,B'I PRO'ItDllfGPQll.. DESlCJN, <br />" OP.,CiRUlH"JU1U)ING$,,;ay UfIS'1'IllJiI:D ABtII1TIC:'J:S ' <br />.4BlilGtnna., UQuIaDlG,PElllomuca JOlIl)S,' nc, Cl&'r.\U , <br />CASES ,AND IMP<lllING ADI)ITlONAL UQUI1l.BMIlCS , OI1COl1Sft.Ot~40lf <br />, 0'1 HUL'P'~~FAMILI'''T,U1llt1ll. . <br /> <br />.'.:."'v.. <br /> <br />!'. <br /> <br />-',".' <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />TheVUlsae Coundl of tMVll1qeof AdenB:Utad{l!teber.b, ordain as <br /> <br />foi.I_lft. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Sect:LOIl 1. <br /> <br />~Il\e~nt Of"tbe Bul1dini' C~ .." Sectloa3lH. ' ,Sec. 3010ft, <br /> <br />UnUorll Bulldillg Code. adopted ., reference ae a part of tM 8ullding Code of <br /> <br />,- '. ' <br />, <br />" ' . . <br />. ., . <br />the VUlaaeof ,Arden BUle, Ordill&1lCe NO. 93, is het4Jby ..nded to ,ubedtllt. <br /> <br />, . . . <br />.' - . <br />,. ," , <br />, <br />parappb (ci) as hei'eI:04ftu eet forth for paraaraph (c) as it reads at <br /> <br />, , <br />, , ' <br />pt4J..ut; and to add thereto, paragraPh (e> as he....i04ft.r lIet f~h.', A_nded <br />paragraphs (c> and ee) 81\411 read ,all f<Jl10W8: <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />, , <br />(c) Plana aDd Soedfica.Uoua., With each appUcatl.OIl. <br />.-far a buildillg perlllit, audwben required by tlMt: , <br />BuilcliD& Offi~al foreuforcllment of auy pro"; <br />visions ofthj,$ Code,two seta of plans and lIped- <br />ficatiouS8hal1. be lI~tted. ' <br />lIXCBPno_: ,When authorl.z.d b, tha <br />BUildlngOfftd,al plane and epecUlcati0U8 <br />_d not be lIubliIitted for the foll.111&: <br />1. One-lItory buildings of Type V con- <br />ve!;\tlo1l81 Wood-lItud,conatruct,lo11 with <br />ao erea nl)texceading SU hun.clred sq, <br />feet (600 lIq.ft.). '," <br />, Z.Gtoup J,J)ividou 1, occupanc.... of , <br />'fypeV,cOll_i1tion.\l.lfOOd_lItudcoOlltructioDI <br />3. ._n andunillpOrtaotwork; '. <br /> <br />.... <br />- <br /> <br />. . - . <br />. - , . '.c.' <br />(e> Dado bv ~cb1t.Clt or BudUer Reavir~." NO <br /> perlllit shall be iasuedforny conetructlon <br />unl... the plans and specificatlolllJ tMrefor indieate <br />Il,. lItalllp thereon that they have beeu prepared or de- <br />dined by an archit.ct or enatuar rq1nered b, the <br />State of Hi_,Iota in accorclanca with t;he Hi_eota <br />Statutell, Sectiona 326.02'tQ: 326.16, iaclulive." ' <br />all "".d. The proviaioua hedof lIhall not .,;1., to , <br />plana .JId apeeUicationa for the er.uiou, .nlergement, <br />or alt.ration of aoybuildiD& or other structure h, <br />an1 p8rl\oo for hill exelueive occuplUlcy or ue., unws <br />,Iuch occupancy or use invoh.,I the pubUc health or <br /> <br />-1- <br /> <br />