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<br /> <br />~r:: :~~y~n:_;~':,_~~~~~.i; \', -,~i;~'; '"".. ~ :~ <br />.'-' i. ,._~1..,_.,..-"_~~,._,.,..,.,,.. _~ ":l;,.^"yJ;i."".... <br />':"~:'~~ '~'_-:' :;,.;~.,-::,<.... '-:~?' j,',. .~ '~'.'~J~~:L .~., r<~f ':;~_~~'::.. ~':';:::::{~!,: ,-~"-.: <br />, . <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />--~. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />.... ' <br />'1 <br /> <br />:,~. <br /> <br /> <br />"~" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.,-' <br /> <br />"-' <br /> <br />:., <br /> <br /> <br />y, - <br /> <br /> <br />'-', " ,'- - ' "",'" -'- - ' ,: -" , ' ' -, -~. , ",', :, - -, -,' ' <br />. Mfaty or ,ttie he&ltll or .8fety of tll..,lo,... ., ..ill <br />'pRIIOII, Dor 8Wll they apply to any liIf tbe tollciw:Lo; <br />bulldt. ,. tOOOVit::' " ,'. ' ,i ' <br />, (a} , DWllf.ng8 for 8ingle f.1Il1te8.' aNI , <br />OUl:b\lild1llS8 :l.u connec:t:l.9l1 ther.,,, such <br />ubar1l8 and, pr:Lvate : lar/llJ8ll. ' <br />,(b) :cwo IoU,. 0..11111I8' " <br />" . (0) ~Y fUll buildtlll or' accU.ory tbaNt6J <br />(4) T.llIporary bulld1.nt8 or 8heds used A- <br />, for CloDllUuc:tiOll purpose., not <br />"iaBeee< two 1 tor:l.e. . ~ baJllht, aNI not <br />-...for Uv1ag quarters; <br />(;).,' ADY public: work or publie.:l.Dqn,,,_nt <br />d_ bY 8 public body:l.u thie state. the, <br />coat of which doel not ~d 42,1)00, pro.. <br />ndedtlat ,14M atld spec:ifical:iODs #or Bueh <br />" WoZ'A, or :l.1lIproV8lllllnt affe.ctio; vatu, 8upply <br />Pt: ..t.-, cU..poaal are approved by the -,nil"', <br />pr1ate sUte a..acy; or' <br />(f) ,All.Y bui1dll11. structure, or work.t1:lill <br />total coellof wl\lch cloea not cQceed $50,000. <br /> <br /> <br />. - '. - - - ,- , , -' ,---' ,. '- ",-,-' ," <br />Publ1c: work or public: flqpro_ul: al uaed heuia <br />work or isiproVOlant the c:os t of wbich' :1.8, to, be pai4 tnwho1e <br />ar: 1a part friMa pub1:l.c: fuels. <br /> <br />'- -, ,- . , - . <br />.' . ", ,'.' :;.' " .".-. <br />S~~ 2., ~'1"'';''''''fll: of the Bt4ld:l.~ ~.. SeC. ~~'" Seftlon 302,01 t <br />11nifor\ll Cocle, adoptecl by referenee as. partd tile 'Bul1dtaa Cocle of <br />, the Villase of Arden M1ls, Qr411l4nce 110. 93. 1. ber.~ ...~cl to add t1lerato ' <br />tbe fo11ow:l.1I3 all par....araph ,(f) : <br /> <br />"~. . <br /> <br />(f) <br /> <br />" .. <br />Bu:l.l<Una Code of tbe Vill;ige of ArdeaHilla, OrdiaanceNo. 93;i.bereby <br />amende4 to aM thereto tttefollowinaae Sac.tiOll 1310; <br /> <br /> <br />,. ,. <br />Sec. 1310 -Construetioll of Hul~iDle-rarcdb ~1~'~~. ':Ln-,' , <br />Proof COQBtruction. Any \llU1U,1e-f8lllily puildina WIth -UiIII ' <br />IHlit8 ou mora than two floorl shall he of T1Pil I or 'l'ype II <br />cOlUltruct:l.OD as def:Lned 1n tile Ul1:1.fOZ'll !JU11elbaCode. 1'64 <br />I4:1.t1on. ' <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />