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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _ NOVEMBER7,2024 <br />meeting if there are three councilmembers or more participating. He doesn't believe an open <br />meeting is the ideal negotiating strategy. <br />Councilmember Holden agrees with Councilmember Rousseau. The negotiators need to know <br />what is important to the Council, as a whole. Discussions regarding the depth and details need to <br />happen before negotiations can be successful. She hasn't seen anything from the County that they <br />are going to pay for affordable housing. Everyone talks about it, but she's not seen anything in <br />writing. With the changes at the federal level, we can't be certain that grant funding opportunities <br />will be available. The City needs to protect itself. Prioritizing the items is important, especially <br />since we don't know what the deal with the County looks like. <br />Mayor Grant said you can't get into the details because then you're showing your hand. They'll <br />know what's important and it will be harder to get what we want. <br />Councilmember Holden said that negotiations are public. <br />Kori Land said that depends on who is at the table. If there are just two councilmembers at the <br />table it's not an open meeting. <br />Mayor Grant agrees whoever the two negotiators are, need to know what's important to the <br />whole council. Public discussion needs to be at a high level otherwise the other party knows what <br />you really want and you will get played. <br />Councilmember Monson thinks everything on the Term Sheet folds into each other. A lot of it <br />flows into the financials. She doesn't know how you can say one item is more important than the <br />other. She thinks the first step is to go back to Bob Lux and talk about the items. It would be ideal <br />if we had updated park plans. That can be a public discussion. We want to keep the civic site, we <br />can discuss the Public Works Facility and TIF. She believes they all overlay each other. <br />Councilmember Holden said that's how Councilmember Monson looks at it. There are more <br />financial pieces to discuss. <br />Councilmember Monson said the cost to build the parks vs. park dedication fee goes back to the <br />Term Sheet and ties together. She doesn't know how to say one is more important than the other. <br />We want to keep it all. <br />Councilmember Holden said it has been repeatedly discussed the item of l0%o ownership for <br />affordable units isn't good enough. Homeownership should be the number one thing for the <br />affordable housing. It was 20Yo, now it's l0%. She thinks that will affect the financials. <br />Stacie Kvilvang explained that the 20oh meant 20oh of the overall units. The affordability <br />requirements are higher. Of the affordable units, l0o/o are required to be owner occupied. <br />Councilmember Holden said of the 500 units going in, she doesn't know how many affordable <br />units are in that mix. How many affordable units will there be? At what level will they be <br />affordable? How many are going to be Lux building? She knows that information is out there, we <br />just haven't seen it yet.