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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER7,2024 <br />Stacie Kvilvang said we can request that information and he will give it to us. It's not secret. The <br />City said what we wanted for affordability. The County had their number. <br />Councilmember Holden understands that, but this Council has repeatedly agreed that ownership <br />was a number one priority. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said they are required to do l0% of affordable housing. She can get the numbers. <br />Mayor Grant said the item that is important to him, is not in the Term Sheet. It is the overall <br />financials. He wants to make sure the City is not financially liable, if the project didn't move <br />forward for whatever reason. It is also important that the City gets back the planning fees. The <br />original Joint Powers Agreement had those monies being spent and were anticipated to come back <br />to the City. He wants to hold to that. He can't be certain the County will pay for affordable <br />housing. <br />Councilmember Monson is fine with trying to hold the2}oh. The JDA has not discussed how <br />affordable those units would be. The County has agreed to pay for the costs for affordable <br />housing. If they didn't, the City wouldn't have a role in covering affordable housing, anyway. <br />Bob Lux would have to figure out how to fund it through other resources. If he's unsuccessful <br />that's another conversation. She would like to see confirmation from the County to say they are <br />going to use the levied resources. The City won't be responsible for paying for that. <br />Councilmember llolden said that's not true. There are Met Council goals that we must meet. We <br />are guaranteeing to the Met Council that we will have a certain amount of affordable housing <br />units. We will have to give up something in order to make sure there are affordable housing units <br />up there if the County backs out. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said the Met Council goals are not a law and there is no penalty. <br />Councilmember Holden doesn't think that is what has been stated up until now. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said nothing has changed in the development program that was already seen. <br />There will likely be one building that is a tax credit project. They are going to use a building that <br />has some affordability so they can take advantage of the 4d Tax Law. The County has said that <br />they are going to bring resources and that's what Bob Lux has to have in his agreement with <br />them. The City is requiring affordability. So, he has to come to the table with dollars. The County <br />has never had an issue with that. <br />Councilmember Holden said we don't know that. <br />Councilmember Monson said that confirms the City would not be financially on the hook. <br />Councilmember Fabel said Habitat for Humanity is an affordable housing option. There is a lot <br />of Habitat for Humanity units going in at the Heights Development on the east side of St. Paul. <br />Councilmember Monson would like to put dates on the calendar to discuss the Civic Center. She <br />would like to schedule discussions for any topics that would not put negotiations at risk. The JDA <br />reps can talk to Bob Lux.
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