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<br />. <br /> <br /><.~C€.:~ -('h rG~:.- <br /> <br />CO\::i~'!ci' ~,ieeting ffjnu.:es <br /> <br />f"1at-ch 25 J fi968 <br /> <br />Si". flGti[ Rerllsey Hospi1-el. <br /> <br />Officer S-tl-adinger is attending a 40 hr. tl-aUlna ccurse et Minneapolis <br />Genori~l ~ 1-I0Eip j or-a I. <br /> <br />Sgt. Sexton is 1"aking a 50 hl-. course in advanced police training; <br />Off1cor Fic!~ett is takina a 36 hr. trauma course held at Mounds View <br />High School ~nd Gonora! ~ospital. <br /> <br />All men on the force havo complated a 36 hr. general first aid course <br />'tlh i ch "<15 he I cI f~at'ch 22 -. 21i. <br /> <br />. Officers Stradinger and Fickett are to take a 40-60 hr. general basic <br />pol ice -i-rdrnin~l COUrS(1 in the llear fu'j-l'r8. <br /> <br />Off[csr Schmaedeke~ vice presidon1- of the Milll]. First aid course to <br />police of"l:icGrs a1' evening cl.:1sGes at ~~ounds Vieltl H'igh School He is <br />considered on0 of the bes-~ ins-~ru~tors in tl19 area. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COLNCllMAN HENDERSON <br /> <br />Civic Center Meetino <br />Counc.j Im3ri Henderson -informod the Caunci I that this committee tentativery <br />p~en~, to hOld j-i-s -iir'st r:i0o'ring of the VGac en f~pr1~ ~, and requested <br />f/ayo:- f3jor-:idCii:l to attend. Councifr.:an HGndel'~son wiij atso invice e?('" <br />M~lyor Ns-i-hGrclJ"t to attend. <br /> <br />f.)~!~.~~_n.s:?-~_S?!.~~1 i ,...t!_~~_.~~?2_Li__9~q <br />This c:orr'L:l'(Ye~3 IS s-rueYln:] tfH: prcsen-;- [icensil1f! 'fees of ti.,e vi ~ !age <br />and 0150 hold a discussion concerning various ways of assessing for <br />improvcren-~s. Clerk Lorraine S-~rClnquist was rOQu8s"ted 1-0 obtain inform- <br />a-j-ion 'rl-0!Tl Fiscal J1'9cn~i' Pet'or S. Popovich on i"he val-ious ways of assess- <br />ing fo~ \later improvements, i-he advan-~ages and dlsadvnntagcs of each~ <br />iJnci the pcssib!3 pl'~ojectod mi j! l~atE=) lncrease from gener'at proper-j"y <br />taxes ':'.J!lf;r/ al i possiblo. \':ater impro\!onents al-C instal led. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR BJOR~DAHL <br /> <br />Tel~Q9.raQ~.St2.r_P2~ Facil ~ties_ <br />r.,.18"jor !3jornda~l j reques-;-ed,t-ho'-P 1 ann i nfj Corrmi s~ i on to cons i der the <br />prOpCf^-ry to -;'il€: 8~si- C"r- the vi J.!aqo hall ~~Ol~ "f8mporary enclosed stot~ag(-;! <br />O'f vi ll(~[;e main-j-cnance equipment. <br /> <br />1::1...:;- t !_.::~.~.i.~~ t{ c s <_LJ..:~~tJ E.'.__~~~l..H u e. <br />r..~a\foi~ Bjoi'-ndah t read a ~is-l'ter fl~oril ';'he League requcsti ng use of the <br />basebGi I flGld -;"his year; he s-tated tha-;- the requ8st is tHo same as <br />"the ()nG c::pp:-o\'cd las-i- year. Clerk f-eQuQs'h)cl to send let-j'er of approval <br />of -l";'~G r80uc~-';-. <br /> <br />i-:i.:.,'"'Uh'j (iF ';-i<US'!'t.E OLlqEi\~ <br /> <br />e_(~_l! _t}..s~~J!.:.~~.c}:~i?_"_F:.:;~~.Ls~i~,~f~ -1- <br />~-j'h(,' F'u;:'llc \!ol-ks Ccmrli-i--;~C;8 !~.c;c1 (] moe-j-inD tfal-ch 23 during !',;'hich they <br />. ;i~:,cusS€<j '(he purc;-I;7ls1nr: t',y oj-he vi Ili::O~}3 o'f eOI--I-ain pieces or Fred <br />. jJ!>::"")!I~~; ,:.qu:pt':or;"j- cdlcJ tho pL;!-ch6SG 0";: n2.:~J cqlli[)rr:ent. Cppies of their <br />n')Co:;;f~'~!r,;-.ja"i' c.ns w,sr~8 distributed to the counci! ~ The Cb!,Hrd-r-ree had <br />o'ft:';'I!_!c:':"c.j l'';;r~~ Ni;-~on's ('Cjujp1Ti~~';n-!-, a p;'o';:i-;~]sjoncf QPpt~GiS2J had been mad,:: <br />~n(! ~~jor SJol-ndahJ also inspecteci -~h8 8(luipment. <br /> <br />t,'f"-:T!:F' [-,uch di~.~ct'ssjc-n.; COllllCi ]!!Ian OlmO~1 novod tha-r i.ho vi ~ :age purch<Jsc <br />i'he fa; ~owjng oquipineni- 'From Fred Nixon at a cost of $5,000.00 to be <br />(-; 'f ';- (; c t i v ':~ /, p I'~ ~ 1 I ~ l 968 : <br /> <br />Ur: ]-;- j\!o. <br />.. -_._.~~._~._...- ,,- ~_..------._----_. <br /> <br />.,--.J2~.?.~~F ! 2:L~9~>_~_~__.__~_",_.____"_,.,__Jlrl1o...~~~ <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />1950 Cedge powcr wagon w/hydl-aufic p~ow <br />19~3 For'd F-BOO dL!mp truck \1isnow plow arId <br />sandel-, D.25 1( 20 til-es <br />TrClc'~c;- and loadGI- <br />~9(-9 C1-liC .j"un\< 'J-r-ue!< lit/lt,n pu:nf';' <br />'955 Ford F-800 dump i'ruck s/sncw plow and <br />10 x 22.5 -,cir~'s <br /> <br />$ 800.00 <br />1 ,000.00 <br /> <br />;.'. <br /> <br />1..,500.90 <br />500.00 <br />",200.00 <br /> <br />':J <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />:0-;000:-01) <br />