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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 8 <br />Public Works Director and City Engineer Swearingen said they will request that they stay <br />within the original $150,000 budget. <br />B. Comp and Class Study Update <br />Tessia Melvin began the discussion by stating that nothing has changed from the previous <br />discussions. She said Council has selected the pay philosophy and pay grid. Three steps will be <br />cut from the bottom of the grid and three will be added to the top. Next steps are implementation. <br />She anticipates that with the change in City Administrator, there will likely be some savings as the <br />previous Administrator was maxed out and a new one would most likely be hired around the third <br />step range. <br />Councilmember Holden disagreed. She stated it's hard to find a good City Administrator and <br />usually the offer must be high. <br />Tessia Melvin said that is a discussion Council can have when the time is right. She thought <br />typically you aren't going to start someone at the top step. She said savings also come depending <br />on when the position is hired. There will be some savings because that salary will only be paid out <br />when the position is filled. It won't be for the entire year. <br />Tessia Melvin outlined the recommendation for implementation be the 3% cost of living <br />adjustment (COLA), cut the bottom three and add three to the top then move employees into the <br />closest step that benefits the employee. If the adjustment is made to the scale and employees stay <br />at the same step, which would be a bigger cost up front. The first option would give employees a <br />bump of 4-6%, the second option would give a higher percentage. <br />Mayor Grant asked staff if either option could be implemented. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed it could be implemented either way. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if the cost of $155,000 included social security and Medicare. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />Councilmember Holden said she thought earlier the amount for FICA and PERA was $26,000 <br />and $6,000 for the insurance. <br />Finance Director Yang explained that a portion of it allocated to the General Fund and another <br />portion to the Enterprise Fund. <br />Councilmember Holden asked for confirmation this only includes non -union staff. <br />Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />