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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—OCTOBER 28, 2024 10 <br /> levy increase. She stated the City has funding from the State that has a timeline and she did not <br /> want to see the City miss out on the $6 million in grant funding if the project were pushed out. <br /> She commented further on how project costs would only continue to increase if the project were <br /> pushed out into the future. <br /> Mayor Grant explained this fee would run for 15 years and some Council in the future would <br /> make a decision about the franchise fee. He reported everyone in the community would pay <br /> equally for this fee. He was hopeful that the PiE program would be able to offer assistance to <br /> those living within the mobile home community. He stated when considering the fairness, he <br /> stated all people in the community who use the fire department would be collectively paying for <br /> the fire department. He indicated he would support this franchise fee so long as a specific fund <br /> was set up for all franchise fees. He explained he was uncertain what the interest rate would be for <br /> the bonds, but he hoped the franchise fees would assist with paying off the bonds early. He stated <br /> he did not recall how he voted on a franchise fee in the past, but noted with this franchise fee, the <br /> City had a public safety need and these funds would be dedicated to a specific purpose. <br /> Councilmember Monson stated she could support Option A4 moving forward. <br /> Mayor Grant reported he supported Option A4 as well. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br /> motion to Adopt Ordinance 2024-012 for implementation of Electric <br /> Franchise Fee Ordinance, based on Option A4, which includes a residential <br /> rate of$3 per month, small commercial and industrial at $22 per month and <br /> large commercial and industrial at $329 per month and authorize publication <br /> of a Summary Ordinance of 2024-012; and to Adopt Ordinance 2024-013 <br /> renewal of Electric Franchise Agreement Ordinance with Northern States <br /> Power and authorize publication of a Summary Ordinance of 2024-013. <br /> A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried (4-1 Councilmember Fabel <br /> opposed). <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a <br /> motion to Adopt Ordinance 2024-014 for renewal of Gas Franchise <br /> Agreement Ordinance with Northern States Power and authorize publication <br /> of a Summary Ordinance of 2024-014. <br /> The motion carried (5-0). <br /> Mayor Grant explained this Ordinance was necessary to allow both the gas and electric franchise <br /> agreements with Northern States Power to expire at the same time (15 years from now). He <br /> reiterated that no franchise fee would be charged for gas services. <br /> Councilmember Monson reported for clarification that every City has a franchise agreement in <br /> place with gas and electric service providers. <br /> The motion carried 4-1 (Councilmember Fabel opposed). <br />