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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 15, 2024 5 <br /> Councilmember Monson said she is fine with continuing that structure for negotiations. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau wondered if the 2 or 3 special work sessions Staff is requesting are <br /> intended to be held before going into the negotiations with the developer. <br /> Mayor Grant believes so. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked if Council is to be setting up a second set of meetings, in <br /> addition to the 2 or 3 special work sessions. <br /> Mayor Grant was thinking those meetings were the negotiating meetings with the developer. <br /> Councilmember Holden said it would make sense to know what the City wants before going into <br /> negotiations. <br /> Councilmember Fabel presumed Staff and the JDA representatives would take the document <br /> that was already negotiated in the past and make sure all items are still on the table for the <br /> developer. They would then bring that back to the full Council and open and rediscuss any items <br /> that need to be. It wouldn't be starting from scratch. There has been a lot of agreement already. <br /> He thinks the most efficient way to move forward is for Staff and the JDA representatives to <br /> begin talks with the developer, using the existing document and then bring information from the <br /> negotiations back to Council. <br /> Councilmember Holden said prices have really increased recently. Bob Lux of Alatus had <br /> planned to purchase things off the shelf and she thinks it's important to determine if the City <br /> wants a park dedication fee. If Bob Lux is saving a million dollars on park equipment. That may <br /> be the difference between something extra special the park could have if he paid the park <br /> dedication fee, instead of purchasing the equipment. <br /> Mayor Grant noted the build-out cost of the project is somewhere over $700 million. If there <br /> were a 10% park dedication fee included that would be $70 million. He estimates the creation of <br /> the parks would be approximately $20 million. <br /> Stacie Kvilvang said the park dedication is not a percentage it is calculated per residential unit <br /> and on the commercial side the park dedication is based on a percentage of the land value, not the <br /> value of the development value. The Council picked the amenities and equipment they wanted for <br /> the parks and those are outlined in the Park MOU. That was priced out by the City's consultants <br /> and the amount was $16 million. The park dedication fees were sized to pay for that. Today's cost <br /> could be higher, but Bob Lux is going to pay for it, no matter what it is. It will be important for <br /> Council to look at the parks' uses outlined in the MOU drafted eight years ago. <br /> Mayor Grant said we may have tennis courts in there and maybe pickleball courts are more <br /> appropriate now. He asked what the land value is. <br /> Stacie Kvilvang thought$63 million, not including the commercial land. <br /> Councilmember Monson asked about the process. Does Council want to have the work sessions <br /> and then go to negotiations or have the JDA representatives begin negotiations and come back to <br /> a work session with information. <br />