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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 28, 2005 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />be wanted to move forward with this, he wanted to make sure the residents were well informed. <br />He stated their Council packet indicated that they needed to make a decision on this tonight, but <br />he believed it would be better to get more information out to tbe public on TCAAP and make a <br />decision in a couple of weeks. He stated he shared some oftbe earlier comments about wanting <br />to endorse this, but suggested they put this off to the next Council meeting in the effort to get <br />more information out to the residents. <br /> <br />Council member Holden stated she liked tbe plan, but she was not ready to vote for it at this <br />time because she did not know the amount of public financing or the impact of tbe financing for <br />the City. She noted wben TIP funds were used, there was a cost to the residents and sbe wanted <br />to know those costs. She stated she had not been able to separate the vision from the financing. <br />She noted the Resolution did not address the public funding. She stated there would be costs to <br />the City such as additional fire stations, water towers, etc. and she wanted to know wbat those <br />costs were going to be. She stated she could not support this right now until sbe got a better idea <br />of the public financing. Sbe requested they talk through this more and have another work session <br />to discuss financing. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski noted until the framework was adopted, the numbers could not be run. <br /> <br />Collin Barr, V.P. Ryan Companies, stated the planning process the City had gone through was <br />very extensive and this was one of the larger projects be had been involved with in his 19 year <br />career. He stated the planning process was aU-inclusive. He noted this was a place to start the <br />more formal planning process. He stated it was important that everyone work together as a team <br />and a schedule needed to be defined. He indicated it was very important the Council had <br />unanimous support for this to focus on the vision. He stated if a week or two would belp solidify <br />that support, it was important. However, over the next few months a lot of things would need to <br />come together. He noted there were a number of unresolved issues with the plan, but it was <br />important to start moving forward with this plan. He stated with respect to public financing, this <br />development would not be feasible without some kind of public financing. <br /> <br />John Benson asked wby Centex dropped out. Mr. Barr replied Centex felt tbey could get a <br />higher and quicker return on investment with other development opportunities in the Twin Cities <br />Area. <br /> <br />Mr. Benson noted Centex said there was a lot of risk. He asked why tbis development required <br />such a large amount of TIP funding. Mayor Aplikowski pointed out tbat they did not have the <br />figures for TIP funding. <br /> <br />Mr. Benson stated he had written letter to the Mayor asking how much this would cost him as a <br />resident and he had not received any answers. He agreed with Councilmember Holden that tbese <br />issues needed to be addressed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson asked if he had the opportunity to read the Economic Development <br />Commission's plan. If not, he suggested he read that document. Mr. Benson replied he had not <br />read it, but he had written letters to the Council. <br />