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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />JULY 18, 2005 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />one that went to the State and he had requested a copy of that report, but he had not received the <br />report until he came to the meeting tonight. He stated they did have to consider the EA W and <br />noted there were certain State guidelines that needed to be followed for an EA W. He noted the <br />Council needed to make a determination as to whether there was a potential for a significant <br />environmental review. He indicated the threshold for an EA W was 200,000 square feet, while <br />their project was under the threshold significantly. He noted if there were valid concerns of an <br />environmental impact, then that needed to be addressed, but he did not believe this development <br />would have a significant environmental impact. He stated they had worked closely with staff and <br />did a lot of compromising. He believed the issues had been addressed. He stated he had 25 years <br />of experience in planning with 16 years of those years as a consultant for Cities. He stated he had <br />experience in land use planning and he believed they were bringing a quality project to the City. <br />He indicated the development was appropriate for this land use. He stated they had come forward <br />with a very good project and this was a perfect development for this area. He stated it was <br />designed to blend into the residential neighborhood to the south. He indicated change was hard, <br />but this proj ect would be the best they could get for this parcel in this area. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson requested they close the public comment period. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski agreed and did so at 9:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated he had done a lot of homework on this and answered many phone <br />calls and emails. He noted there was no such thing as a perfect decision, but at some point they <br />needed to make a decision. He stated he was speaking only for himself, but he tried to make sure <br />he understood the proposal and the residents' concerns. He noted he understood there was a <br />concern with the access on Hamline Avenue, which he spoke about at the last meeting, in addition <br />to signage and parking. He stated one thing he saw with the emails, was that the citizens did not <br />want to develop this property. He noted the City had always intended to replenish the funds that <br />they used for the new Maintenance facility by selling this land. He stated personally, he did not <br />believe the City could afford to make this a public park because the cost would be 1.3 million <br />dollars. He stated this area was never targeted for park or open space. He indicated 1,500 acres <br />would be left as open space and parkland in the TCAAP development. He stated there was no <br />basis for a need for additional park and open space. He stated he had a hard time coming up with <br />justification for not doing anything on this site. He noted the developer had a good plan in terms <br />of appearance. He stated this was not a good location for residential development, but believed <br />this development would look similar to a townhome development with attractive buildings. He <br />noted the buildings would provide a buffer to Highway 96 noise. He acknowledged this was not a <br />perfect solution, but what the developer had proposed was a good solution for the City. He stated <br />he did not support and he would not vote for an access onto Harnline Avenue. He stated Hamline <br />Avenue would only get busier and there was not a good solution, but by returning an easement, if <br />in the future an access was needed, it cOllld be added. He stated by not adding it now, they <br />eliminated a lengthy road and would not create an unsafe access. He indicated he was not <br />comfortable with the signage as proposed. He noted he had looked at other developments and <br />generally these types of developments did not have as much signage as they were proposing. He <br />stated he would not vote for this is if the development was "cluttered" up with signs. He indicated <br />he could compromise and let a larger monument sign on Highway 96 be put in place. He stated he <br /> <br />6 <br />