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<br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />JULY 18, 2005 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />was comfortable with respect to parking spaces. With respect to the EA W, he believed they had <br />enough information now and did not believe anything would be gained by an EA W. He stated he <br />would not support an EA W. He thanked the citizens for their comments, calls, and emails. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant thanked the residents for the phone calls, letters, emails, pictures, and <br />comments. He stated he had also done a lot of research on this, including visiting other office <br />parks and his comments were very similar to Councilmember Larson. He believed this was a nice <br />high quality office building, but they were proposing too much signage. He noted he did not want <br />this to look like a strip mall development. He stated he liked the townhouse development look, <br />but that feeling would be removed with too much signage. He stated he would not support this <br />with the signage as proposed. He indicated he would be in support of a larger monument sign <br />along Highway 96. He stated he would like to see more green space and trees and he would not <br />support a development of more than 70,000 square feet and this was the number that everyone <br />went in with. He noted this would be a reduction of 4,000 square feet and a reduction of 16 <br />parking stalls and those parking stalls could add to the green space and trees. With respect to the <br />EA W, he believed they had enough information and was not necessary and would not change the <br />final outcome of the development. With respect to the access onto Hamline Avenue, he was <br />concerned that if they had only one access off of Highway 96, it would create additional "U" turns <br />by 50 percent. He stated he was not sure if he liked the access on Hamline Avenue, and he <br />believed they needed to solve the problem on Hamline Avenue. He noted Hamline Avenue traffic <br />would only get worse, with or without this development and he was in support of the access on <br />Hamline Avenue. He stated the City and County had to work together to solve the traffic <br />problems on Hamline Avenue. He stated he needed to see changes on the signage and the overall <br />square footage ofthe project in order to support it. <br /> <br />Councilmember Rem stated she was not in favor of an access on Hamline A venue, but she also <br />did not like one access onto Highway 96 either. She stated whatever happened on Hamline <br />Avenue, she hoped the developer worked with the City. She believed the EA W was not necessary <br />in this case and the environmental issues had been covered previously. She stated she was in <br />agreement with the signage being reduced also. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if 306 parking spaces were necessary. Mr. Hellegers replied <br />staff had a standard set that they worked from for office space. He indicated the developer felt <br />this was the amount of parking they needed on this development. He noted they wanted to make <br />sure the parking lot was built large enough to accommodate all of the cars parking on site. He <br />indicated there was no other place for people to park, except in the parking lot. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated when this proposal first came to them in October it was quoted as <br />40,000 square feet and as things moved along, it was now 74,000 square feet plus with less green <br />space. She stated she was not sure if this was in the spirit of the neighborhood business zoning, <br />even though it met all of the requirements. She stated this was way too dense for this area and she <br />could live with it if there was more green space. She stated she was not sure she could support <br />this as proposed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated they first needed to deal with the EA W. <br /> <br />7 <br />