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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 11,2005 5 <br /> . <br /> estimated that 50% of the debris has been removed. Based on incurred costs, it can be estimated <br /> that there will be a need for an additional $90,000.00 plus tax to complete the removal of thc <br /> remaining debris in the City. In addition, the City will have to share in the costs with the cities of <br /> New Brighton and Mounds View for the tub grinder at the New Brighton drop-off site. At this <br /> time that cost is unknown. Staff is conservatively estimating the cost to be in excess of $200,000. <br /> Staff will continue to provide the City Council with up-to-datc financial information as it becomes <br /> available. <br /> He indicated the City's 2005 budget does not have adequate resources to fll11d the cleanup <br /> program. The source of funding for this program would have to be the General Fund reserves. At <br /> the beginning of this year the General Fund reserves had a fund balance of $1.3 million dollars. <br /> One of the purposes of having a fund balance is to address unplanned contingencies. The <br /> September 21, 2005 storm was an unplanned event and the use of General Fund reserves would be <br /> considered appropriate for the cleanup program. <br /> He recommended the City Council authorize staff to continue with the storm debris cleanup <br /> program and to approve spending up to $200,000.00 with S & S Tree Service for the complction <br /> of the cleanup program. <br /> . Couucilmember Graut asked if they had any idea how much a grinder would cost on an hourly <br /> basis. Mr. Moore responded at this time staff has no information with respect to the cost per <br /> hour for the unit, nor how long it would take, but they were trying to get that information and as <br /> soon as they got it, they would inform Council. <br /> Council member Grant noted the City of Shoreview might be able to provide some guidance <br /> considering they had gone through a similar situation in 1999. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if S&S Tree Service would be the grinding service, or would each <br /> community grind their own. Ms. Wolfe responded the City of New Brighton was going to <br /> procure the tub grinder for all three cities. She stated she has left a call for them asking for this <br /> information. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if this would require a budget amendment. Mr. Siddiqui <br /> responded that was correct. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how did they came up with the estimate. Mr. Siddiqui stated <br /> this was based on staffs best estimate as to what has been accomplished so far and what still <br /> needed to be done. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion to <br /> . authorize staff to continue with the storm debris cleanup program, to approve <br /> spending up to $200,000.00 with S & S Tree Service for the completion of the <br /> cleanup program, and to amend the 2005 General Fund budget accordingly. The <br /> motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> ----.---- <br />