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12-02-2024 JDA Agenda Packet
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12-02-2024 JDA Agenda Packet
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Commissioner Frethem stated she was comfortable voting on the policy, with the <br />understanding there would still be more conversations on how this would be operationalized. <br />She was interested in learning more if carbon offsets would be considered. In addition, she <br />looked forward to learning more about the decentralized geothermal option. <br /> <br />Chair Wicklund requested the consultants give a brief presentation on the decentralized <br />geothermal option. <br /> <br />Ryan Johnson, Ever-Green Energy, provided the JDA with further information on the <br />decentralized geothermal option for Rice Creek Commons. He explained this option was <br />discussed with Alatus, noting each building would have their own geothermal wellfield to <br />supply heat pumps. He indicated this option was thought to be more economic at this time <br />because of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel explained there was a degree of shock from this 50 page report. He <br />applauded the efforts of the Energy Advisory Committee up to this point in time. He stated he <br />had confidence in their work. He commented on how a policy may been seen as a rule and <br />questioned if it was necessary for the JDA to adopt a policy. He stated if a policy were to move <br />forward, some level of flexibility would have to be considered. He recommended the JDA hold a <br />worksession to further discuss the proposed clean energy policy. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson reported the waiver details would be within the design guidelines, <br />laying out what the developer has to do in order to make this development as sustainable and <br />carbon free as possible. She indicated other details could be provided to staff and the <br />consultants as to what the JDA wants, such as all electric, carbon free. <br /> <br />Rick Carter, LHB, described how The Heights development was addressing their clean energy <br />goals. He explained why the term waiver was used instead of variance. He stated a zoning code <br />was a policy and the clean energy policy would be viewed in the same manner. He reviewed the <br />different types of waivers that had been considered at The Heights, and discussed the different <br />type of heat sources that would be used within the development. He reported the goal within <br />The Heights was to be carbon free by 2030. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel thanked Mr. Carter for his comments, but noted as a lawyer, he had a hard <br />time understanding the term policy. He stated he wanted to learn more about what issues <br />would arise as this development moves forward. In addition, he wanted to learn more about <br />what concerns the developer has. He recommended strongly that the JDA hold a worksession <br />meeting to further discuss the clean energy goals for this development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt stated she did not believe a worksession meeting would get the JDA to <br />the place where a definition of a waiver was found, given the fact the JDA has not chosen which <br />option should move forward. She supported the JDA having a policy in place in order to set the <br />table for this project. She reported the word policy, does not mean the rule of law to her, but <br />she was not an attorney. She indicated the Clean Energy Policy could be renamed the Clean
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