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Energy Framework if this was more amenable to the JDA. She reiterated that there was still a <br />lot that had to be decided by the JDA when it comes to clean energy. <br /> <br />Commissioner Frethem explained the JDA authorized the Energy Advisory Committee to do this <br />work and to research the feasibility of an all-electric community. She indicated the consultants <br />have discussed the clean energy plan with the developer and there were three feasible <br />pathways forward. She stated she was comfortable with adopting the policy. She feared that <br />delaying action on this policy could delay negotiations on the purchase and sale agreement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel stated he could be comfortable with this statement or policy if it was <br />stated as follows: Rice Creek Commons seeks to be an all-electric, carbon free development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson indicated she supported the language as proposed by Commissioner <br />Frethem and Commissioner Fabel, so long as staff had clear direction on how to move forward. <br />She indicated she could support the name change to the Clean Energy Framework. Mr. Carter <br />stated the language change to “seeks to be” could be a positive change for the policy. He <br />explained he has met with the developer and he understands their concerns. He was of the <br />opinion the developers concerns could be overcome. He discussed how the IRA grant funding <br />would assist with creating a clean energy development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt supported the seeks to language being added to the policy. She <br />recommended the JDA receive an update from staff at each meeting going forward. <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner Monson seconded by Commissioner Reinhardt to adopt a policy that <br />Rice Creek Commons seeks to be an all-electric, carbon-free development and the JDA directs <br />staff to identify steps to implement this policy and provide updates to the JDA. Motion carried. <br /> <br />b. Update on Development Agreement Discussions <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell provided an update on the Development Agreement discussions. She noted the <br />existing term sheet was provided to the JDA within the packet. She commented the county has <br />been negotiating the purchase and sale agreement for the California parcel. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson asked if the design plans for the spine road and grading were moving <br />forward. Ms. Mitchell stated this was the case. She indicated County staff, Kimley Horn and the <br />developer were coordinating on the grading plan in hopes of beginning this work in the spring <br />of 2025. <br /> <br />c. Review Road Map <br /> <br />Ms. Mitchell reviewed the road map, which included 2025 meeting dates, with the JDA. <br /> <br />Commissioner Reinhardt recommended the first meeting of the year for 2025 not be held on <br />January 6.