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<br /> , . . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Decembe.. 14, 1970 <br /> . REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance & Municipal <br /> Lands and Buildings <br /> Sewe.. Installation - Villa e Hall and Public Wo..ks Bulldln <br /> Afte.. ..evlew of the fou.. bids ..eceived, It was moved by ouncllman <br /> Henderson that the bid Eugene Betts be accepted, In the <br /> amount of $1331.50, subject to assu..ance of completion of the <br /> Installation In 1970; awa..dlng the bid to the second low <br /> bldde.., Waike.. Plumbing Co., with the same "end of yea.. 1970" <br /> completion stipulation, if Eugene Betts cannot complete the <br /> Installation this yea... The motion was seconded by Councilman <br /> He....lck and carried unanlmousUy. <br /> MaIntenance Supe..vlsor Beeche.. was ..equested to call Mr. Betts <br /> and advise him of the Council's action. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANLEY OLMEN - PublIc Works <br /> Bussa..d Addition P..ellmlna..y Pian <br /> (See Hollenhorst's Report) <br /> Lift Station No.2 - Estimate for Installing Plug Valves <br /> Tabled until Dec. 28, 1970 Council meeting. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Gove..nment & Public <br /> Safety <br /> Lexington Avenue and County Road E ~ntersectlon <br /> Mayor Crepeau advised the Council of the Public Safety Committee's <br /> recommendation to adopt a resolution slmlla.. to the resolution <br /> proposed by Shorevlew; to square the corners at the Inte..sectlon <br /> of Lexington Ave. and County Rd. E. Install fou..-way stop signs. <br /> , <br /> It was moved by Councilman that the Council concu.. <br /> with the Public Safety Committee's recommendations and to also <br /> request Installation of left-turn lanes onto Lexington Ave. In <br /> both dl..ectlons; seconded by Councilman Henderson; motion ca....led <br /> unanimously. <br /> Cle..k Admlnlstrato.. St..omqulst was requested to notify Ramsey <br /> County of the CounCil's action. <br /> Letter 0..; I..vlng J. Lerne.. <br /> A lette.. Or. Irving J. Le..ner, a ..esldent of A..den Hills, <br /> was ..ead by Mayo.. Crepeau, commending the Arden Hills Pollee <br /> Department, namely Officer Fickett, for prompt and effIcient <br /> handling of an accident. <br /> REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> A o..tlonment Resolutions - San. Sewer 1m . I 3 and 6 and Water <br /> Imp. -I and - <br /> It was moved by Councilman He..rlck and seconded by Councilman <br /> Henderson that the Appo..tionment Reso,lutlons re San. Sewer I, <br /> 3 and 6 and Water Imp. 67-1 and 67-2, attached, be approved subject <br /> to Cle..k Administrator's ..evlew for accuracy; motion ca..rled <br /> unanimOUSly. <br /> Service Station License - Sola.. fuels <br /> Councilman Henderson moved approval of the Sola.. Fuels Se..vlce <br /> Station License, subject to the PublIc Safety Committee's <br /> "ecommendatlons; seconded by Councilman Hollenhorst. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> The Councl I determl ned that the Pub II C Safety Committee Inspect <br /> all Service Stations befo..e licenses are Issued. <br /> Pay Pe"lod Change <br /> It was moved by Councilman Henderson and seconded by Councilman <br /> Hollenhorst that ail Village employees be paid on the 1st and <br /> 15th of each month (except the Village T..easure.. and Councilman). <br /> ---........, Motion carried unanimouSly. <br /> ~ <br /> -5- <br />