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<br /> ~---->~~ <br /> '. <br /> - <br /> - <br /> . EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br /> ~ <br /> I VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> - HELD DECEMBER 14, 1970 <br /> -~ <br /> , <br /> j <br /> '. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, II meeting of the <br /> ! Village Council of the Village of Arden HI I Is, Minnesota, was <br /> ~ duly called and held at the Village Hall In said VI I lage on <br /> . December 14, 1970, at 8:00 p.m. The following members were pre- <br /> ,j sent: Mayor Crepeau, Councilmen Hollenhorst, Olmen, Henderson <br /> ] and Herrick, <br /> " and the following members were absent: None. <br /> i <br /> j Member Hollenhorst Introduced the following resolutIon and <br /> :j <br /> j moved Its adoptIon: <br /> ~1 RESOLUTION <br /> '1 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING RAMSEY COUNTY <br /> 'l <br /> 1 CONDUCT A TRAFFIC STUDY RELATING TO A <br /> DANGEROUS INTERSECTION LOCATED AT <br /> LEXINGTON AVENUE AND COUNTY ROAD E. <br /> WHEREAS, the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, has received <br /> . numerous reports of accIdents and near accidents at the Inter- <br /> - ,~' <br /> '<it '. section of Lexlngotn Avenue and County Road E, causing property <br /> ~ot. , damage and possible Injury or death, and <br /> .- <br /> WHEREAS, many of these accidents and near accidents are <br /> caused by confusIon regarding right-of-way on the southwest curve. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the <br /> Village of Arden HII Is, Minnesota, that a study be conducted by <br /> Ramsey County to determine means to eliminate or reduce these <br /> dangerous conditions. <br /> , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County take Immediate steps <br /> , to blockade the curve to require traffic to Intersect at a right <br /> ~) <br /> ~; angle at this Intersection, and <br /> , <br /> ~'l! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the VI I lage of Arden HII Is requests <br /> -'i Ramsey County to Install I eft turn lanes onto Lexington Avenue I n <br /> both directions. <br /> - <br />