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<br /> - <br /> ... Minutes of Regular Council Meeting November 9, 1970 <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> LaMutTl and Sons, Estimate 3, Prolec7 2, San. Sewer Imp. !2 - 13 <br /> Estimate 3, Project 2, San. Sewer Imp. 12 - 13, I n the amount of <br /> $36,172.80, for payment was read by Engineer Hendrickson. I twas <br /> determined by the Council that consideration of payment be delayed <br /> unt! I the Special Council meeting of Nov. ~ 0 , 1970, at which time <br /> a report on the 11ft station operation wi 1 i be available. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning <br /> (absent) <br /> Report of the Planning Commission meeting of Nov. 2, 1970 will be <br /> g1ven at the Nov. 30, 19.70 Council meeting. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCULMAN RONALD HERRICK - Parks and Recreation & Human <br /> HI ghts <br /> , Charles Perry Park <br /> Councilman Herrick reported that the appearance of the fill and <br /> gardlng project In Charles Perry Park has Improved, and Attorney <br /> Norkows k I , Federa! Cartridge Corp., Is apparently satisfied with <br /> the cover provided for the gas main which runs through the area. <br /> Skatln!l Rinks <br /> CouncIlman Herrick advised that skating rinks will be maintained <br /> this year, In the same locations as last year; requesting that the <br /> newspapers and the Arden Association publish this Information. <br /> Burning Permits <br /> Councilman Herrick advised that Fire Chief has agreed not <br /> to 1ssue burning permits for leaves or trees until authorized to <br /> do so by the Arden Hills Council. <br /> Lake Lane Tax-Forfeited Pro~2!~ <br /> Clerk Administrator Stromquist was requested to obtain the deeds <br /> for the two parcels of tax-forfeited land on Lake Lane. <br /> Park Equipment <br /> MaIntenance Supervisor Beecher was requested to store summer play- <br /> ground equipment as soon as possible. <br /> Mr.. Beecher stated that adequate storage space will not be available <br /> until the addition to the Public Works building Is completed. <br /> Du I uth Water Conference Report <br /> MaIntenance Supervisor Beecher advised the Cou~11 that he I s pre- <br /> paring his report of the water conference, but It Is not complete <br /> at this tIme. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance and Municipal Land <br /> and Buildings <br /> Nazareth He. II UtIli tv Ad1-ustment' Reques t <br /> Councilman Henderson requested that his report re the Nazareth Hall <br /> request for a utility charges adjustment be deferred until the Nov. <br /> 30,1970 Council meeting; stating that he would like to confer with <br /> the County Assessor and Deputy Clerk Florence Honan before submittIng <br /> his report. <br /> . REPORT OF COUNCilMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Public Works <br /> No report. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government & Public <br /> Safety <br /> . Absent - No report <br />