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<br />, Mlnui'es ~f Regular Counci I Meeting October 12, 1970 <br />. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCiLMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Public Works <br /> Public Works Meeting Report - Roger Rei ling <br /> Chairman Roger Reiling reported the status of various Public Works <br /> matte rs : <br /> I. Public Works Building Addition - The Committee has determined <br /> that doubling the size of the present building will house <br /> a~ I trucks - New Brighton garage to be used only for off- <br /> season storage. Mr. Reiling requested that a Councilman <br /> meet with the Public Works Committee and the architect when <br /> ready to approve plans. <br /> 2. Impr-ovements - Complaint List - A copy of the list of complaints Is <br /> to be given to the Public Works Committee for use In determining <br /> status of complaints on the current water and sewer Improvements <br /> - ultimately to see that al~ complaints have been satisfied. <br /> 3. Time Table - Mr. Reiling advised that a Master Plan time <br /> table of job activities has been requested to be submitted <br /> by Mr. Beecher of Public Works Department. <br /> 4. Resignation from Public Works Committee - Mr. Rei ling advised <br /> that Mr. Jack Trump has resigned from the Public Works Committee, <br /> and requested that a letter be sent thanking him for his <br /> services. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government & Public <br /> Safety <br /> Public Works and Village Hall Building Additions <br />I Mayor Crepeau advised that several letters and estimates of costs <br /> of architectural fees have been received re the Construction <br /> Bulletin notice. The Counc j I requested Mayor Crepeau to contact <br /> Mr. Tom Horty re plan preparation and costs for both building <br /> additions. <br /> Application for Fund Reimbursement - VI ~Iage Hall <br /> Mayor Crepeau advised that Arden HI ils may qualify for partial <br /> reimbursement for the addition to the Village Hal!, from the <br /> Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control. He advised <br /> that a Grant Application Is being prepared and will be submitted <br /> to the Commission by Oct. 15, 1970, tor reimbursement for the <br /> building addition. <br />, Councilman Hollenhorst moved adoption of the Resolution (attached) <br /> authorizing Mayor Crepeau to act as agent for the Village of Arden <br /> Hills; authorizing him to sign for Arden HI lis re the fund reim- <br /> bursement application. Motion was seconded by Councilman Olmen <br /> and carried unanimously. <br /> Application for Fund Reimbursement - Pollee Officer TralninQ <br /> Motion ~as made by Councilman Hollenhorst. seconded by Councilman <br /> Olmen, that Mayor Crepeau be authorized, as agent representing <br /> the Arden Hills Council, to sign application to Minnesota Peace <br /> Officers Assn. for partial reimbursement for Arden Hi lis police <br /> officer training; motion passed unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> Northern States Power Co. Letter Re Street Lighting, <br /> After review of the Council Minutes of Jan. 26, 1970, the letter <br /> from Northern States Power re cost of street lighting. as proposed, <br /> was referred to the Finance Committee and Street Lighting Com- <br /> mittee for their recommendations to the Council. <br /> DelinQuent Utility Accounts. <br /> A list of delinquent utility accounts was submitted to the Council <br /> for app rova i of certification to the County for collection with <br />. taxes. <br /> Weed Eradication Costs <br /> A list of properties was submitted for approval of certification <br />. to the County for collection of costs for weed eradication. <br />. -4- <br />