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<br /> : <br /> '. <br /> . to the ne1ghbors' houses. Vlhen sewers were constructed, he was <br /> g1ven an assessment equal to one of the ne1ghbors' and he asked <br /> for that cons1derat1on 1n connect1on w1th the water assessment. <br /> MR. ROBERT RAETZ, 1703 west County ROad P: He and a number <br /> of people from County Road P were d1spleased w1th the qua11ty of <br /> work done 1n the area of the dr1veways and re'"9rad1ng and re- <br /> app11cat1on of the sod. <br /> MR. G. E. HARMON, JR." 1661 west County Road F. wanted to <br /> know 1f County Road P 1s to be completed or whether 1t was con- <br /> s1dered completed. <br /> MR. KENNETH SCHACHl', 1683 west County Road P: Quest10n about <br /> h1s driveway. <br /> MR. JUETH EWY, 1176 Carlton. Sa.1d he was completely happy about <br /> the way h1s driveway has been replaced and that people who are com- <br /> pla1n1ng about the work are jump1ng the gun because construct1on <br /> hasn't been completed. <br /> MR. ROBERT RAETZ, 1703 west County Road P: Quest10n about h1s <br /> dr1veway. <br /> MR. JOHN KOONTZ, 4086 valent1ne Crest. Compla1ned about the <br /> cond1t1on of County Road F near Mounds V1ew 81gh School. <br /> MR. KENNETH SCHACHT, 1683 west coun~y Road F. Oompla1ned about <br /> the dr1veway work 1n front of h1s house. <br /> E. J. CALPH, JR., 1651 west county Road P: They have a bad <br /> road cond1t1on near old B1gbway 10 and asked when 1t would be f1xed. <br /> MR. KENNETH SCHACHl', 1683 _st County Road F: ASked who deter- <br /> m1ned 1f 1t was an acceptable construct1on jOb or not. <br /> MRS. E. J. CALPH, JR., 1651 west County Road F: They have a <br /> cla1m aga1nst Northdale Construct1on company, and she had been 1n- <br /> formed by the eng1neer that funds would be w1thheld by the V111aqe <br /> unt11 they reached an aqreement w1th the construct1on company. <br /> MR. ROGER MOBR1<E, 1556 west Arden place: B1s dr1veway has been <br /> made worse by the 1mprovement construct1on. <br /> MR. RICHARD MEYERS, 1758 ~nus Avenue. Asked 1f a BUD grant had <br /> been rece1ved and 1f 1t had been deducted from the cost of the project. <br /> Sa.1d that s1nce the BUD grant was just for th1s project he thought 1t <br /> should be appl1ed only to th1s project. <br /> MR. STODDARD CORTELYOU, 1548 _st Arden Place. Asked how the <br /> front footage assessment f1qures were arrived at. <br /> , MR. JOHN Me CLUNG, 4326 North Snell1ng. Asked if the $350 per <br /> acre charge was just for the water 1mprovement. Asked how the $5 <br /> - 2a - <br />