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Ladem za6 a :cacaafaa L :port - aaczsaa : <br />into the plecaos aammaaaty Eaucation Dapa. this Game period of ailse , <br />Municipal Parks aad Recreation Depts . 'ere created ia Shoreview, Mounds <br />View , Arden } Illa and tir: a Erigatoz. Municipal Depts . baaana rasponoiala <br />for progreaming for their recreative canetitasats vlsea school district <br />progransiservicas were aiscontiaued. <br />Arden HlPar. s and Racreaaion Dept . Prouam3 and Activitaea <br />The philosophical guide:sines daterminirg pragram don : and growth <br />have beet : <br />Emphasis on personal development through relaxation cad fun <br />Emphavis on skill development for activities that can be enjoyed <br />throughout a2 indaviduc/ 's entire life. (Life tin slorts) <br />Provida masa active athletics for syoman and girla <br />Stressing t12 importrace of kill , devslopment and inciviaual <br />participatioa rather than winning <br />Coordinaalng acaiaitier, with the school district, neiEhboring <br />parks and recreational deparsmants , etfalatic assoclatioas and <br />private agencies co keap the duplication of effort at a Isinimun <br />Program fees should be collected to coaea all direct coats of the <br />activitieg <br />Pro ran Filestonea_ <br />Arden Hills Park aad Raareatior Progaans had a modest beginsiag. Soma of <br />the first programa sponsored is. 1973 were: girl 's aoftball youth suitEa <br />leasonr, adult volleyball aad racquaabell instructions . 193 srogram <br />income was $758 coat was $777 . <br />Program / articipaaion has greatly incrasoed ahough the 197Ca . Youth <br />activities have been a major focus] of the pregaamo . ROWeVeT , adult intarea <br />and participatian 'lea grown raa.idly as the cammunity had grcwn in resi- <br />dential population , businesa and italaatraal populaticn . <br />AFL_ J 1981 aamasr faaility laventory <br />1E2 . K 1980-31 Winter facility inventory <br />A22. L 1981 Paogram revenae /coat rapert <br />Community/School Joint Powers A.greemant <br />The Village and cool ciatrict anterod into a joiat Powers aareameat is <br />1974 for nse of acnoal buildinga , grounds aad athletic faciliaies . Throgh <br />this agreament the ?arks an i Rearestaon Dept. vas given top ptiarity for <br />Use af school facititiaa aad ncheaulea the sommunit) usa of tale buildings <br />and grounds . The availabillty of tha clasaaaons , gyna , pools and athletic <br />facilitiea has heal asaFtatial for program grawsh an communit ervice . <br />Arden Hills has uali the Joanna idale School u indoor and outdoor athletic <br />lacilitiea for aschdaling youth and adult activatiao . Major program ad- <br />juatmeate will hav to be made If the facaPialea are no lcnuar availa'Ole <br />foa publia use Slue to the sabocl cloaing. Dscaoion on schasi sage will <br />not be male untal aaring , 1182 . <br />a -