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3T1r <br />Pure Progrsm Proiect:ions <br />Several changeo e ,-eas have )r force th,t hunicip4A Pars andRecreationDepts. :o 'beef up° their isure time facilities 0116 services . <br />1 . Ths suesd7 increase in ths cest of living, the sky rocketingcostofgasolinehasforcedfamiliesandindiviclualstore- <br />avaluate :heir speadin,; habits and to modify their 112e styles .People will be traveling 'loos and wf.1.1 be looking r,:izhin ArdenHillsfortheleisure-time prograus and sorvices . <br />2 . The 621 Shool Distric ;-. financial crisis will dramatically changethesponoorshilooftheprogramsandservicesini..he district . <br />Many of the eact-1.1fint youth programs sponsored by tea school <br />will be rt!duce.,:7 or dropped . Ats a result , parents so%1 children <br />will be lookinfz to the Municipal Parks and Rec. Dept. for <br />leadership and direction to pick up these programs or pro- <br />vide bs%.itutes . <br />3. The next few years will be 6ifficu1t end stressful for manyArdIUsamilies . The Village car help smooth over some <br />of the rough edges families will encounter during teas adjust- <br />ment period by continuing the develop2ent of neighborhood playfacilitiecforadult.; and children , by providing quiet greenreasforescapeaLdrela%atios sed by sponsoring wio2esomeJei',sure time program toad services . <br />Arden Hills is known for qualLty living. This "gook:: life" can continueforourfEmiliElswiLhcommunitysupportofor-going grograms .