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Walters Recycling and Refuse Contract <br />A draft contract was presented to Council as part of the approval to release the RFP. It is the <br />same document format as was used with the previous recycling hauler. As a next step, Staff will <br />begin negotiations with Walters Recycling and Refuse to reach a final contract agreement. The <br />contract will be brought back for City Council approval at the January 13, 2025 Regular City <br />Council Meeting. <br />Ramsey County requires that Recycling Rates for Special Assessments on property taxes be <br />submitted to them by January 17, 2025. Staff will submit these rates upon City Council approval <br />of the contract. The Special Assessment amounts will be a blend of the expiring contract rates <br />and the new negotiated rates, set to begin on May 5, 2025. <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A: Cost Analysis prepared by Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC <br />Attachment B: Recycling RFP, including draft contract <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />