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City of Arden Hills <br />RFP for Recycling Services <br />Proposed Spring/Fall Cleanup Days Operations <br />The City currently has a Fall Clean Up day, typically in October. Describe your proposed <br />operations for supporting collections from the City's annual Clean Up Day as part of <br />your Proposal (minimum requirements). Subcontracting shall be allowed and <br />encouraged if necessary to provide the full spectrum of required services. Alternate <br />proposals with additional added value services (e.g., enhanced reuse and/or recycling <br />of bulky items collected from the Clean Up Days) are encouraged but not required. <br />Clean Up day shall be billed separately from the collection contract. <br />Public Education <br />The City and the Contractor will plan for a coordinated public education campaign. Does <br />your Company use "education tags" that are left by your collection crews at the time <br />material is left behind? ❑ Yes ❑ No <br />If yes, please attach an example of one such education tag from another community. <br />Describe your proposal to improve participation in low participation communities <br />including Multi -Dwelling Unit Buildings. <br />How do you propose educating individual residents in households who do not <br />participate in curbside Recycling to improve Recycling participation? <br />What forms of electronic communication and public education are you proposing to use <br />to help educate Arden Hills residents and businesses? <br />Do you utilize a Recycling app for residents to receive customized Recycling messages <br />sent to their smart phone or other mobile device. ❑ Yes ❑ No <br />If yes, please identify the app, any current municipal customers that use it, and describe <br />how it will work for Arden Hills including roll -out schedule. <br />What other (non -electronic) public education efforts have you used successfully in the <br />past that are directly relevant to scope of service described in this RFP? <br />What other public education efforts have you used successfully in the past which are <br />directly relevant to this scope of service? <br />Form B - 5 <br />