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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 27,2004 2 <br /> . indicated that development... August 4, 2004 Planning Commission/Council Meeting Minutes, <br /> Page 4, last sentence of first paragraph, delete the word "short". <br /> Mayor Aplikowski requested the following changes: September 13, 2004 Council Special <br /> Work Session fourth paragraph, middle of third sentence, change 1-696 to "1-694". <br /> Ms. Wolfe requested the following changes: None, <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to approve the August 4, 2004 Joint Council and Planning <br /> Commission Meeting Minutes as amended; September 13, 2004 City <br /> Council Meeting Minutes as amended; and September 13, 2004 Special <br /> City Council Work Session Minutes as amended. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (5-0). <br /> 3. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> a. Claims and Payroll <br /> b. Bethel SUP Amendment <br /> c. Resolution #04-52 Appointing Election Judges for the 2004 General Election <br /> . d. Resolution #04-53 Participate in the Ramsey County Hazard Mitigation Planning <br /> Process <br /> e. City Administrator's Perfonnance Evaluation <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Counci1member Larson seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Consent Calendar and to authorize execution of all <br /> necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously <br /> (5-0). <br /> 4. PUBLIC INOUlRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br /> Christine Bonn, 1369 Forest Lane, stated she wanted to address how the City was marking <br /> diseased trees for removal. She indicated she believed there were trees being marked in error. <br /> She stated she had received a letter regarding red oak trees being diseased with oak wilt, but her <br /> white oak tree was marked and taken down, which she believes was done in error. She stated the <br /> tree removal company infomled her that her tree was not diseased and that it was white oak and <br /> not red oak, She believed there were also three other trees in her neighborhood that were white <br /> oak trees that had also been marked, but those trees were not taken down because her neighbors <br /> knew they were not red oak trees. She indicated she had lost a valuable tree that has been in her <br /> family since 1948. She requested the City be responsible for the cost of her tree removal. <br /> . Mayor Aplikowski asked why the tree service company removed her tree if it was a healthy tree. <br /> Ms. Bonn replied the tree was already half way down before someone approached her about it. <br /> She stated she understood the City was going to send out letters stating that her tree was white <br /> oak and to ignore the previous letter, but she never received that letter. <br />