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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 29, 2004 2 <br />. <br /> Councilmember Grant requested the following changes: October 18,2004 City Council Work <br /> Session, Page 6, 5th paragraph, first sentence should read: Councilmember Grant raised concerns <br /> that during the past 3 years Arden Hills roads were not chosen solely on the basis of PCI rating. <br /> Councilmember Rem requested the following changes: September 13, 2004 City Council Work <br /> Session change the heading time to read 5:00 p.m.; October 18, 2004 City Council Work <br /> Session, Page 6, 5th paragraph, last sentence, should read: He noted that south of Lindeys and <br /> Old Snelling Avenue..." October 18, 2004 City Council Work Session, Page 6, 8th paragraph, <br /> delete the following sentence: The Chatham, Karth Lake, and Edgewater neighborhoods all <br /> scored very low on the PCI test. <br /> Councilmember Larson requested the following changes: None. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski requested the following changes: None. <br /> Ms. Wolfe requested the following changes: None. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br /> motion to approve the September 13, 2004 City Council Special City <br /> Council Work Session as amended; the October 18, 2004 City Council <br />. Work Session as amended; the October 25,2004 City Council Meeting as <br /> presented; and the November 3, 2004 City Council Canvassing Board as <br /> presented. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> 3. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> a. Claims and Payroll <br /> b. Ordinance No. 350: Approval of2005 Fee Schedule <br /> c. 2004 Perry Park - HCM Architects-Payment #2 <br /> d. 2005 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project - Authorize to Begin Plans and Specifications <br /> e. Motion to Approve 2005 Liquor Licenses <br /> f. Convention Visitors Bureau Agreement - Establishment of a Lodging Tax and <br /> Ordinance No. 351: Establishing a Local Lodging Tax <br /> g. Resolution No. 04-59: Authorizing Application for Recycling Score Grant Funds for <br /> 2005 <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Consent Calendar and to authorize execution of all <br /> necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously <br /> (5-0). <br /> 4. PUBLIC INOUlRIES/INFORMATlONAL <br />. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski acknowledged and welcomed the Boy Scout Troops in attendance at the <br /> meeting. <br />