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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 29, 2004 3 <br />. <br /> 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> None. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> C. County Road E Sidewalk <br /> Ms. Wolfe stated the Council needed to make a decision regarding the construction of the <br /> sidewalk on the County Road E bridge. This decision was needed so it could be provided to <br /> MnDOT as part of the application for Cooperative Agreement Program funding. Specifically, <br /> the Council needs to decide on which side of the bridge to construct the sidewalk (north or <br /> south). The City Council might also choose to detemline whether or not to proceed with <br /> construction of a sidewalk west of the bridge to Old Snelling. <br /> Ms. Wolfe noted staff had received some e-mails and messages from residents with their <br /> comments and those have been provided to Council for their review. <br /> Ms. Wolfe stated in discussions with the traffic engineers regarding safety; they indicated that <br />. basically it would be safer to not have pedestrians cross at the freeway ramps. The degree of <br /> increased safety, however, might be marginal to significant depending on other information that <br /> that they did not have, such as the number of pedestrians and final destinations. <br /> Ms. Wolfe requested the Council indicate whether to build the sidewalk on the north or south <br /> side of the bridge and authorize staff to notify MnDOT of that decision and to determine whether <br /> or not to proceed with the construction of the sidewalk west oflhe bridge and to authorize staff to <br /> proceed with plans and the funding application process. <br /> Mr. Brown stated he had nothing further to add, but would answer Council's questions. <br /> Council member Rem asked what caused the project cost to increase from the original estimate. <br /> Mr. Brown replied the initial feasibility report had a cost ranking from $60,000 to approximately <br /> $180,000. He noted there were a number of add-ons, such as railings, painting, pilaster, which <br /> added approximately $50,000. He stated the north/south sidewalk had also added costs to the <br /> proj ect. He presented to Council the various improvement options that were available and the <br /> costs of such improvements. He indicated the cost of steel had also skyrocketed and the <br /> estimates had been increased to reflect that material cost increase. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked for an explanation of the state's grant process. She noted it was <br /> her understanding that one side of the street was more favorable in the state's opinion and the <br />. City could get grant funds if the sidewalk was put on that side of the street. Mr. Brown <br /> summarized the grant process. He indicated he had not heard anything from the State that they <br /> would prefer a sidewalk on one side or the other. <br />