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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 29,2004 8 <br />. <br /> Councilmember Rem stated her preference would be Ehlers & Associates, She noted Neu & <br /> Company had a good reputation, but she was not sure she wanted to spend the money they were <br /> asking for. She stated she did not know Barbara Strandel\. <br /> Councilmember Larson stated it appeared from the cost breakdown, Ehlers & Associates, costs <br /> came in better. <br /> Council decided they would retain Ehlers & Associates as the 2005 Retreat Facilitators, <br /> C. Approval of Three Year Lahor contract with O&M Emplovees <br /> Ms. Wolfe stated the O&M Bargaining Unit approved a tentative agreement. She noted this was <br /> unchanged from what was reviewed and discussed at the most recent closed session, <br /> Councilmemher Larson commended the City staff for their work on this agreement. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br /> motion to approve the proposed tentative agreement with ruOE Local 49 <br /> for a three-year bargaining unit agreement (2005-2007). The motion <br />. carried unanimously (5-0), <br /> 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> A. Approve Selection of Credit Card Vendors <br /> Mr. Siddiqui stated currently the City does not accept credit card payment for its services, <br /> Services that could be paid by credit card included permit fees, licenses, utility payments, fines, <br /> sports recreation registration, etc, Over the past year, the City had received a number of inquiries <br /> from the residents and contractors encouraging the City to accept credit card payments. He noted <br /> staff had engaged in conversation with three vendors and reviewed their pricing structure, Staff <br /> recommended the Council authorize staff to enter into a contract with Certegy Card Services for <br /> the processing of the City's credit card transactions for a term of one year, with an option to <br /> renew, <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the setup fee included the machine. Mr. Siddiqui replied it <br /> did. <br /> Mike Gonzalez, Certegy Card Services, stated they were an international company. He <br /> explained the credit card payment process. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br />. motion to authorize staff to enter into a contract with Certegy Card <br /> Services for the processing of the City's credit card transactions for a term <br />