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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 13, 2004 3 <br /> - 4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br /> Bill Henry, 3521 Ridgewood Court, stated for the last 27 years he has worked as a <br /> consultant for governing boards and non-profit organizations. He stated he would like to <br /> live in a City that was well governed. He offered three suggestions: First, it was his <br /> observation that the Council was reasonably clear as to what the City was attempting to <br /> achieve, without knowing why. Second, he stated the Council did an inordinate amount <br /> of time doing other people's work. He proposed they trust the staff to do their jobs. He <br /> stated the Council was not here to manage the City; they were here to govern it. Third, <br /> governance is impossible without conflict management. He stated the Council could not <br /> manage the City without managing conflict. He stated it was the Council's job to resolve <br /> conflicts. Mayor Aplikowski thanked him for his comments and asked him what he was <br /> basing his experience on. <br /> Mr. Henry stated he was a member of the PTRC, but his comments were not based <br /> solely on the PTRC, but as an observer. <br /> Councilmember Larson stated Council was going into a planning retreat in January <br /> where some of these concerns would be looked at and thanked Mr. Henry for his <br /> comments. <br /> e 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> None. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. 2003 PMP Inl!erson/Karth Lake East Neil!hborhood - Chanl!e Order #1 for <br /> additional watermain and curb renlacement work <br /> Mr. Brown stated the Council awarded the 2003 PMP Ingerson Neighborhood Reconstruction <br /> project to Amt Construction on July 9, 2003 for $] ,903,536.10, The estimated construction cost <br /> in the adopted feasibility report was approximately $2,]25,000. He indicated project work was <br /> substantially completed in late fall 2003 with final punch list items completed this past summer <br /> with the exception of landscape warranty work due to expire next spring. He indicated six partial <br /> payments totaling $1,856,662.9] have been approved by the Council to date. <br /> Mr. Brown reviewed Change Order #1 and noted the total requested change order amount was <br /> $126,487.93, He noted the requested change order represents approximately 6.6% of the original <br /> contract amount. He recommended the City Council approve Change Order #1 for the 2003 <br /> PMP Project totaling $126,487.93. He stated the contract amount of $1,903,536,10 will be <br /> e increased by $126,487.93 to a new total contract amount of$2,030,024.03. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated it was his understanding they were going to replace the <br /> infrastructure under the road, and the valves had been there since the original installation in the <br />