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<br /> ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 13, 2004 4 <br /> ~ mid-50's or 60's. He asked why the valves were not scheduled to be replaced originally. Mr. <br /> Brown stated in this contract, they assumed there would be a few valves inoperable, but nearly <br /> all of the valves were problems, He stated based on this experience, for the 2004 PMP project it <br /> was anticipated that all valves would be replaced. He noted they were not planning on taking all <br /> of these values out for the 2003 project and they did not think the scope was going to be as <br /> significant as it was. <br /> Conncilmember Holden asked how long the valves lasted and expressed concern the valves <br /> were not made a part of the original bid. Mr. Brown noted it was difficult to determine if valves <br /> needed to be replaced until they could be visually inspected. He stated this type of a change <br /> order would not happen again and valves would be replaced. <br /> MOTION: Councilmembcr Grant moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a <br /> motion to approve Change Order #1 for the 2003 PMP project totaling <br /> $126,487.93 to Amt Construction. The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> B, 2004 PMP Edl!:ewater Neil!:hborhood - Chanl!:e Order #1 for additional watermain <br /> work <br /> Mr. Brown stated the Council awarded the 2004 PMP Edgewater Neighborhood Reconstruction <br /> e project to Amt Construction on June 28, 2004 for $1,059,189.76. The proj ect was essentially <br /> completed with the exception of minor punch list items and landscape warranty work. Three <br /> partial payments totaling $915,414.64 have been approved by the Council to date, He reviewed <br /> Change Order #1 for the Council. He recommended the City Council approve Change Order #1 <br /> for the 2004 PMP Project totaling $34,170.00 (3.2% of the original contract amount). The <br /> contract amount of $1,059,189.76 will therefore be increased by $34,170.00 to a new contract <br /> amount of$I,093,359.76. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a <br /> motion to approve Change Order #1 for the 2004 PMP project in the <br /> amount of $34,170 to a new total contract amount of $1 ,093,359.76. The <br /> motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> C. 2004 Bndl!:et Amendments <br /> Mr. Siddiqui stated typically in December, the Council approves a final amended budget for the <br /> current year, At various times throughout the year, staff requests the Council approve spending <br /> for items that were either not budgeted or were budgeted, but not adequate to complete a <br /> particular transaction. During the calendar year 2004, staff had requested budget amendments in <br /> the total amount of $372,334. These amendments were previously approved by the Council and <br /> had impacted various funds. The original 2004 Adopted Budget is $9,338,351. Totaling all of <br /> e the amendments, in the amount of $372,334, will modify the 2004 Budget to $9,710,685. Staff <br /> requests the Council approve the amended 2004 Budget by increasing the originally adopted <br /> budget by $372,334. The modified 2004 Budget is $9,710,685. <br /> -~- <br />