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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 30, 2000 4 <br /> Ms, Chaput stated that the application met all of the procedural requirements for a lot <br /> . combination application, as outlined in Section 22-12, (el ofthe City Code <br /> Ms, Chaput stated that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Planning Case #00- <br /> 35, lot consolidation of two parcels, 3295 and 3301 Katie Court, into one parcel, with the <br /> following reasons: <br /> L The application is able to meet the criteria for consolidation as outlined in Section 22-12, (el <br /> of the City Code; <br /> 2, A survey acceptable to the City and the County, documenting the consolidated parcel, must <br /> be filed and legally recorded with Ramsey County, <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that the properties in question are referred to as being located on <br /> both Katie Court and Katie Lane, He requested clarification, Ms, Chaput apologized, adding <br /> that the properties are located on Katie Court <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Aplikowski seconded a <br /> motion to approve Planning Case #00-35, lot consolidation of two parcels, 3295 <br /> and 3301 Katie Court, into one parcel, with the following reasons: <br /> L The application is able to meet the criteria for consolidation as outlined in <br /> Section 22-12, (el of the City Code; <br /> . 2, A survey acceptable to the City and the County, documenting the consolidated <br /> parcel, must he filed and legally recorded with Ramsey County. <br /> The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> 2. Case #00-36, 1700 Highway 96, North Heights Lutheran Church, Planned Unit <br /> Development (PUD) Amendment <br /> Ms, Chaput explained that the applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to North <br /> Heights Lutheran Church's Planned Unit Development for the addition of two accessory <br /> structures on the southwest portion of the property on the Highway 10 side of the property, <br /> Ms. Chaput stated that a Planned Unit Development for North Heights Lutheran Church was <br /> origina]]y approved by the City in Planning Case 84-21. The concept PUD set out a four stage <br /> development program, The PUD was amended with Planning Case 95-13 for the addition of <br /> temporary classrooms and then again in Planning Case 97-05 for a major addition to the Church <br /> as we]] as a change from a four to a three stage master plan, <br /> Ms, Chaput stated that the first and second stages of the master plan have been completed at this <br /> time. This application is not for phase three development (Sanctuary expansion) but for the <br /> proposed addition oftwo accessory structures onto the property which are not currently shown <br /> on thc master plan, North Heights Lutheran Church does have the intention of coming before the <br /> . Planning Commission in the ti.lture for phase three development but are not ready to do so at this <br /> time. <br />