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<br /> . <br /> Minutes of COuncl I Meeting November 12, 1973 i <br /> P<sge threa <br /> red~o g and that accounting ./or ma'l"erials and services must indicate i <br /> they are equal to or exceed the $9,000.00. <br /> Herl^ick moved, seconded by Holl.ollarst, that the Counci I accepts <br /> the five points presented by Attorney Lynden, as corrected; author- <br /> izing and directing Attorney Lynden 'to send ietter. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Lettel. from Suburban En!lLneeri!lS... re Pemtom Storm_Ora i naqe Pond <br /> Attorney Lynden reported that Suburban Engin,eerlng has requested <br /> V I II age approve I of the drainage pond and release of the performance <br /> bond for the storm drainage pond in the Pemtom Development, Additions <br /> I and 2; advising that after release of the performance bond, a <br /> guarantee bond wi II be provided. 1,lr. Lynden said the Developmant <br /> . Agreement provides that the Engineer, after inspection, send a letter <br /> to P8mtoffi approving the pond and releasing the bond. <br /> Engineer Lund sa i d he will make i'he li1spection and report his fll'ld- <br /> Ings to the COllnei I before writing to Pemtom. <br /> Councilman-elect Feyereisen reported no evidence of grass seed having <br /> been planted in the pond area, and said the culvert will wash out I f <br /> not rip-rapped. Eng 1 neer was as t'.ed to nc.te th I s when mak I ng his <br /> Inspection. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGiNEER DON LUND <br /> Water Mater Bids <br /> Engineer Lund advised, in clarification of the three points raised <br /> by the Counci I ro the .",ter meter' bids, as fo II ows : <br /> I. Village may purchase as many or as few Badger meters, as needad <br /> oyer next three yaars. <br /> 2. Both plastic and bronze caste meters can be purchased ~ both, <br /> In his opinion a~e satisfactory and both have exactly the same <br /> recording device. (Suggested Dossibly purchasing some of each>' <br /> 3. Couplings are a part of the meter costs included in the spac- <br /> Iflcations. <br /> Herrick moved, seconded by Crichton, tha t the Counc I I accepts the <br /> Badger Meter, l nc(, bid. Motion carried ~nanimously. (the number <br /> and kind of Badger meters to purchase is to be determined by Public <br /> Worka Suparvisor and Public Works Committee). <br /> County Road E - Water Main Repairs <br /> Engineer Lund reviewed his letter of November 12, 1973, In which <br /> additional costs re \1ater mai n repairs on County Road E were outlined. <br /> The lIas bui it plans" indicated a 12" casing, the change to 24" had <br /> "ot been recorded. <br /> Mr. Crichton explained that he happened to come Into the Village <br /> office at the time Mr. Johansen was looking for authorization to <br /> have the additional gate valve, box atc. Installed; the need for <br /> this Installation appeared to be reasonable, so he authorized the <br /> Installation and additional expend I i-ure. <br /> Herrick moved, seconded bV HOI16nh~t, that the Council approve <br /> payment of 5379.78 to Orfai & Sons ork outlined in their letter ;>( <br /> . of Nova:nber 2, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Hol lenhorst moved, secondad by Crichton. that the Council approva <br /> payment of $3,150.00 to Orfel & Sons as outlined in letter of <br /> November 6, 1973. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> Lembros Ditch - Status Report <br /> Eng 1 neer Lund noted that the"V i II age Counc i I author i zed proceed I ng <br /> with improvement of the Lambros ditch by method .1. He suggested <br /> that method 5. which he had recommended earlier would, iri his <br /> opinion. provide mere protection, and i s less likely to be undar- <br /> mined. He reported that pictures of both the rock~rip-rap and x <br /> timber lined ditch will be shown to Mr. Lambros. <br /> Crichton said he would not object to this change if Lambros and <br /> other lntarested parties agree with the rock\rip-rapplng method. )<. <br /> (ll',ethod 5J. <br /> -3- <br />