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<br />Minutes of Council Meeting Novemb~r 12, 1973 <br />Page four <br /> <br />Engineer will present proposal to County Board. <br /> <br />Arden Manor - Status Report <br />Engineer Lund reportad that he feels that the Arden Manor utilities <br />are not beIng constructed satisfactorily and the question of rasl- <br />dent inspection remains unanswered. <br /> <br />Concern for connection to the VI liege system was expressed as well <br />as responslbl1ity of the Village to the people who wi I I ba living <br />In the mobile home park. After dlscussiori, Hollenhorst moved, <br />seconded by Herrick, that the Councl I request the VI I lage Engineer <br />to make a praliminary inspection of this project re the quality of <br />. construction of the uti Iltles and report recommendations to the <br />Council. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kelly reported no investments were made since the last <br />Council meeting and reviewed cash balances. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning & Zoning, Human Rights <br />(Reported by J. WinoertJ <br /> <br />~ase No. 13-43, Wayne M. Fels - Special Usa Permit for Operation of <br />U-Haul Trailer Operation at 3130 N. Cl.veland Avanue. <br />Mr. Wingert reviewed the PUtlilc Hearing, held by the Planning Commis- <br />sion on October 2, 1973, at which time no objections to the proposad <br />U-Haul trailer operation were mentioned. He reported that the past <br />housekeaplng of the station property was criticized by two neighbor- <br />Ing residents and, since the station now has a new manager, the <br />Planning Commission deferred Its recommendatIons ra the Special Use <br />Permit request, in order to give Mr. Fets tIme to clean up the prop- <br />erty and make repairs. The Planning Commission also requested the <br />Village Attorney's opinion re legality of granting a Special Use <br />Permit for a U-Haul operation at a station which is operating un a <br />non conforming basis (R-2 Zone). <br /> <br />Mr. WIngert reviewad Attorney Lynden's letter of November 6, 1973 <br />and reported that the Planning Commission recommends Council approval <br />of the SpeCial Use Permit as requested. subject to annual renewal. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst moved that the Council concur with the recommendations <br />of the Planning Commission approving the Speclai Use Permit for the <br />U-Haul operation at 3130 N. Cleveland, subject to annual review. <br />The motIon was seconded by Olman. After discussion the motion did <br />not carry (OIMen vo.~d in favor of the motion, Hollenhorst, Crichton <br />and Crepaau In opposition and Herrick abstained). <br /> <br />(Clerk Administrator was requested to confer with Attorney Lynden <br />re whethar U-Haul trailer operation is consl~ered to be an ancillary <br />use; thereby permitted under his license to operate the service <br />station; Clerk to then advise Mr. Fels of Attorney's opinion). <br /> <br />Case Ho. 73-47, Bussard Court - Street Grade . <br />. Mr. Wingert raportad that the Planning Commission referred the 8% <br />grade proposed for Bussard Court to the Public Works Department, <br />Publ Ie Works Committee, Fire Chief and Village Engineer re possible <br />problems resulting If an 8$ grade ~ere to be ~ermltted as requestad. <br />After determining therawere no objections to the 8~ grade, as <br />proposed, the Planning Commission recommends Council approval of <br />the variance. <br /> <br />Crichton moved, setonded bv Hollenhorsf, that the Council concur <br />With the Planning Commission and Public Works Committee recommenda- <br />tions and grant approval of the Bussard Court 8% grade as proposed. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst stated he had voted for approval with the understanding <br />that the Public Works Comm1ttee, Fire Chief and Engineer approves <br />th& grade. <br /> <br />-4- <br />