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<br /> . . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meet i ng October 29, 1973 <br /> page two <br /> Ord I nance No. 98. <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Herrick, that the Council suspend the <br /> rules and approve Ordinance No. 175, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE <br /> NO. 98, THE SUBDIVISION A~D PLATTING ORDINANCE, BY REPEALING ORO. <br /> NO. 155, ADDING PROVISIONS EXEMPTING CERTAIN SUBDIVISIONS FROM SOME <br /> OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF ORD. NO. 98, REPEALING ORD. NO. 168, AND <br /> CHANGING THE PROVISIONS RELATING TO PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS THEREIN, <br /> as amended. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Case No. 72-50. Letter of October 29, 1973 Re Lonq RanQe PlannlnQ <br /> Study. <br /> . Matter deferred to Special Council Meeting on Thursday, November 8, <br /> 1973, at 5:30 p.m. at the V ill age Ha II . <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> (absent - written report submitted) <br /> Lambros Drainaqe Ditch <br /> Mr. Lund's letter of October 29, 1973 was reviewed by the Council. <br /> Mr. Lambros expressed his concern re corrective method #5, stating <br /> he was not assured this would solve the problem. Lambros said a <br /> larger egress on the north end of the lake wou Id help a great deal, <br /> but rip-rapping, without filling, would not, I n his estimation, be <br /> in the good Interest of a II concerned. Mr. Lambros suggested that <br /> "timber Sheeting" (Method #1) would be more effective, and Mr. Lambros <br /> said he may commit himself to doing the aesthics himself. Mr. <br /> Lambros further suggested that a straight channel be developed, <br /> rather than the meandering ditch. <br /> The role of the Rice Creek Watershed District in drainage matters <br /> was discussed. It was noted that the District Is currently petition- <br /> ing to take over Judicial Oitch #1 and eight Ramsey County ditches. <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Herrick, that the Council authorize the <br /> Village Engineer to request the County to proceed with Method #1 <br /> (timber sheeting) ,(outlined in report of June 21, 1973 prepared by <br /> Don Lund), no fill i ng. Motion carried unanimously.. <br /> It was noted that the motion to approve Method #1 does not include <br /> the outlet pipe at Johanna Beach.. <br /> Clerk Administrator was requested to work with Village Engineer re <br /> re-imbursement of pl"orated costs. <br /> Water Meter Bids <br /> Engineer Lu nd' s letter of October 29, 1973, and the tabulation of <br /> bids were reviewed. Clarification was requested from Village <br /> Eng I neer on followi ng items: <br /> I. Partial delivery of meters as needed by the V i II age. <br /> 2. Plastic vs. meta I meters. <br /> 3. Inclusion of cou p I I ng s in Neptune Meter Co. bid. <br /> . Cou nc i I action was deferred to next regular Council Meeting (Nov. 12 ) <br /> for Engineer's explanatIons. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O"KELLY <br /> Cash balances were reviewed. <br /> Recent Investments are as follows: <br /> $35,000 reinvested on October I for 6 months at 9.85% <br /> $100,000 reinvested on Oct. t 9 for 3 months at 9.10% <br /> $50,000 in Treasury bills, 8.5% discount for I month <br /> $IOO,nOo maturing today, to be used to cover bond payments. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning, Human <br /> Rights <br /> (absent - Mr. Wingert to give Planning Commission report) <br /> -2- <br /> -----------------..-----------...-- _.~-- <br />