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<br /> , <br /> Minutes of Regular Councl I Meet i ng October 29, 1973 <br /> Page three <br /> Case No. 73-39 . I. C. SysTems.- Bulldlns. PermiT <br /> Wingert reporTed thaT The Planning Commission recommends'Council <br /> approval of Issuance of l' he Bu I I d j ng PermiT for the I. C. Systems <br /> off Ice building, In accordance with p I a ns presenTed, wiTh the follow- <br /> Ing modificaTions: <br /> I. PenThouse to be of brick veneer. <br /> 2. Aluminum louvers TO be anondized to match exterior doors <br /> and windows. <br /> 3. ApplicanT to agree to close access to Lexington Avenue, If <br /> requested by the Village, at such time that Harriet Avenue <br /> is eXTended and access can be made to HarrieT Avenue. <br /> , . 4. Landscape plan be revised TO provide more dense screening. <br /> Bob Walsh, Miller, Melby ArchiTects, staTed that 1. C. Systems <br /> , and Dreyfus Interstate Corp. are currenTly scheduling the construction <br /> of Harriet Avenue; IT appears that the access to Lexington, as pro- <br /> posed, will not be consTructed, but rather TWO access arlves to <br /> Harriet, as recommended by the Planning Commission. <br /> When asked the direction of future building expansion plans, Mr. <br /> Wa Ish said future needs will dlcT<lte; originally the plan was expected <br /> TO be expanded to the west; this may be changed to the north as needs <br /> are determined in The future. <br /> Wa Ish sa I d that ,. C. Systems wi I I agree to the modifications recom- <br /> mended by The Planning Commission; landscape plans will necessarily <br /> be delayed until access points to HarrieT Avenue have been determined. <br /> Herrick moved, seconded by Olmen, that the Council approve the Issuance <br /> of the Building Permit for the I. C. Systems office building in <br /> accordance with plans submitted with Case No. 73-39, with the modifi- <br /> cations recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried unani- <br /> mously. <br /> I t. was noted that Engineer Lund requests additional Information re <br /> anT I c I pated number of employees, additional details on drainage, etc.. , <br /> before recommending approval of the utility plans; amended landscapl <br /> i ng plans are to be submitted to The Planning Commission for review <br /> and determinaTion of performance bond. <br /> Case No. 73-44 . Independent School District 621 - Bu I I ding Permit <br /> Mr. Wingert reported thaT the Planning Commission recommends Council <br /> approval of the issuance of a Bu II ding Permit for the sTorage build- <br /> Ing at Lake Johanna Elementary School; bu I I ding to be faced wiTh <br /> brick to match school, as closely as possible. <br /> Mr. Wingert reported thaT a s I g ned plan has now been submitTed Indicat- <br /> i ng l' he b u 1 I ding to be faced with br Ick. as recommend ed by the Plan- <br /> ning Commission. <br /> Herrick moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Cou nc II approve issuance <br /> of the Building Permit for the sTorage building at Lake Johanna <br /> Elementary School In accordance wiTh plans dated October 4, 1973. <br /> . Motion carried una n I mou sly. <br /> Human RighTS Commission Minutes of OCTober 4. 1973 <br /> Crichton referred the Council TO ~11 nutes of the Human Rights Commis- <br /> sion Meeting of October 4, 1973, re appointments recommended. <br /> ~1 r. Crichton stated That these recommendations have been noted by the <br /> Cou nc i I and will be considered by the Counc II for action near the <br /> end of 1973. <br /> Human Rights Commission Minutes of September 27 , 1973. <br /> Crlghton referred the Council to the Minutes of the Human Rights <br /> Commission meeting of September 27, 1973, re the feasibility of the <br /> Dreyfus proposal. <br /> The Counc ii, after discussion, determined that 'position' statements <br /> re the Village should come through the Council, not from Individuals <br /> or committees. Mrs. McNlesh was requested to convey the Council's <br /> -3- <br />