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<br />Council Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />Sept. 10,1973 <br /> <br />Lund said he brought this matter to the Council's attention a month <br />prior to the assessment hearing. <br /> <br />Crepeau stated he wanted to be sure Mr. Johnson would be compensated <br />If the Village has a moral or financial obligation. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />Investments <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kelly reported a $175,000 Investment fo 90 days at 10.50~. <br /> <br />. Cash Ba lances <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kelly reported low cash balances as of this date, but <br />reported that sufficient revenue Is expected within a few days to <br />cover $.p~ember expenditures. <br /> <br />O'Kelly advised that he discussed anticipated Interest rates for 1974 <br />with several bankers and, on their recommendations, has suggested <br />that the Finance Subcommittee base the 1974 budget on a probable 8% <br />Interest rate. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCIL~AN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning, <br />Human Rights <br /> <br />Case No. 73-3. C. G. Rein - BulldlnQ Permit for Shoppina Center <br /> <br />Hollenhorst referred the Council to the Planning Commission minutes <br />of September 4, 1973. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Herrlek, that the Council eoncur with <br />the Planning Commission's recommendations to approve the Issuanee of <br />the building permit for the shopping center In accordance with plans <br />and written documentation submitted with Case No. 73-3, subject to <br />Atty. Lynden's approval of the performanee bond. Motion carried unan- <br />Imously. <br /> <br />Case No. 73-40. ~ounds View School Dlstrie1-621 - Building Permit <br /> <br />Hollenhorst reported that the Planning Commission recommends denial <br />of the building permit; requiring that a complete set of building <br />plans be submitted. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A letter and attached bulldlno design sketch, dated September 6, 1973, <br />delivered to the Village office on September 10th, was reviewed. <br /> <br />Mr. Chatfield explained that It was not the Intention of the School <br />District to elrcumvent the proper procedures, but they had proeeeded <br />with the construction of the building on a verbal approval received <br />from the building Inspector, who later called and requested that an <br />application for building permit be completed. <br /> <br />After dlscusslo~ of the proposed use of the tN>story building as a <br />storage building, concession and announcing stand, the Counel-I re- <br />quested that building plans be submitted to the Planning Commission, <br />and that the building not be occupied until plans are approved. <br />(Building Inspector Soulres to be requested to "red tag" the building <br />and to not issue a building permit until the Council Is assured the <br />building Is safe for oecupancy.) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN CHARLES CRICHTON - Finance, Ordinance Review <br /> <br />Permit for Soliciting <br />Crichton reported that an application for permit has been received from <br />Unification Church In Minneapolis to sell cut flowers or candles (or <br />possibly ask for eash donations) door In Arden Hills, requesting <br />waiver of the $15.00 permit fee. <br /> <br />-3- <br />