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<br />/ . <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> <br />August 13, 1973 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />fase No. 73-3, C. G. Rein <br />See Attorney's Report <br /> <br />Case No. 73-27, SI~n Ordinance Amendments <br />Hollenhorst reported that the Planning COMmission recommends Council <br />referral of the proposed sign ordinance amendments to the Ordinance <br />,Review CommIttee for recommendations to the Councilor draft of an <br />amended sign ordinance. The Council concurred with the recommendation. <br /> <br />Human Rights Commission Appointment <br />Upon motion by Hollenhorst and second by Herrick, Mayor Crepeau <br />appointed Mr. Russell Christianson to the Human Rights Commission. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Herrick asked for clarification of the proposed L.C.A. funding, which <br />Hollenhorst said he would discuss with the Human Rights Commission. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN CHARLES F. CRICHTON - Finance, Ordinance Review <br />(absent) <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN STAN OLMEN - Public Works <br />(absent - report given by Bud Johansen) <br /> <br />Watermaln Trench Settlement <br />Johansen requested guidance from the Council re complaints received <br />of boulevard and driveway sinkage. <br /> <br />After conslderertlon of the Lemberg complaint and further considera- <br />tion of the Sturgeon complaint, Herrick roquested that the Council <br />table action on both matters until he can see the problem areas'and <br />report his findings to tho Council. The Council agreed to table the <br />matter untl I the Councl I Meeting of August 27. <br /> <br />Water Meters <br />Johansen estimated that about 1000 water meters will be needed in <br />the next five years and suggested that bids be taken, not necessary <br />that meters be Badger, as far as he is concerned. Johansen said he <br />has about 30 5/8" meters on hand, and he will probably have to <br />purchase some meters now to meet present nGeds, even If bids are taken. <br /> <br />Johansen said that the Village would realize a cost advantage If It <br />contracts to purchase a fixed number, at a fixed price, over a 3 to 5 <br />year period - dalivery to be adjusted as meters are needed. (He would <br />not want large quantities of meters delivered at one time to be stored.) <br /> <br />.Herrlck felt that a better price would be given If there Is a guaranteed <br />delivery date and quantity. <br /> <br />Bo'llEmhorst suggested that joint purchasing wii'h St. Paul be considered. <br />Joh~nsen ~aid he would ~heck this possibility. <br /> <br />After discussion, Johansen was authorized to have specs drawn for <br />advertfsement for ,bids, after checking joInt purchasing and firm order <br />c:Os.ts. <br /> <br />Johansen was ,-equested to buy separate I y for I ai-go deve lopments, such <br />as Pamtom, asking that they give 90 days notice of mster needs. <br /> <br />. Month Extens ion 'for Summer EmPloyee <br />Johansen requested an extension of employment of one month for Bi II <br />Karth, until October i, 1973. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Herrick, that the Council approve the <br />time extension, as requested. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RON HERRICK - Parks and Recreation <br /> <br />Oak Wilt Survey <br />Herrick moved, seconded by Hollenhorst, that the Council authorize an <br />Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm survey by Dr. French; survey to be made In <br />August, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Buckley requested that Dr. French be asked to particularly nota <br />any trees which were marked In last year's survey for removal, and <br />not removed. <br /> <br />-5- <br />