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<br />VI I lage Counci I Minutes <br /> <br />-I i- <br /> <br />July 30, 1973 <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RON HERRICK - Parks and Recreation <br /> <br />Master Park Plan <br /> <br />Herrick advised the Councl I that the Master Park Plan has been <br />completed by Mr. Buckley for presentation at the next Comprehensive <br />Plan meeting of the Planning Commission, proposing that It be Inte- <br />grated Into the Comprehensive Village Plan. <br /> <br />Herrick stated that little or no Input had been received from Planner <br />Shetler on this park plan. Herrick commended Mr. Buckley on the <br />nComprehenslve Park Plan for Recre~tion and Open Spacen. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Herrick requested that the Council advise the Comprehensive Plan <br />Committee of any maJor objectIons to the proposed plan. <br /> <br />Crichton asked to what density city the standard of I acre of park <br />playground/IOO population pertains, and If lakes, which are certaInly <br />recreational space, are included as existing recreational areas of <br />the Vi Ilage. (The questions were referred to '~r. Buckley.) <br /> <br />Bussard Plat <br /> <br />Herrick reported he has discussed the park dedication requirements <br />of Ordinance No. 98 wIth Mr. Bussard regarding the Bussard Addition; <br />the attorneys for Mr. Bussard and the Vi Ilage are proceeding with <br />appropriate arrangements for the park dedication. <br /> <br />VIllaoe Parklno Lot Contract - TIme Extension <br /> <br />Herrick moved, Seconded by Olmen, that the Council <br />of Total Asphalt Company for an extension of time <br />Its contraCT with the Village to August 31. /973. <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />approve the request <br />for completion of <br />Motion carried <br /> <br />Leqlslatlve Changes Regarding Park Dedication <br /> <br />Herrick recommended that the legislative changes outlined by Attorney <br />Lynden on his report of June 30, 1973, be referred to the Ordinance <br />Review Committee and the subcommittee of the PlannIng Commission, <br />reviewing Ordinance No. 98 park dedication requirements. <br /> <br />New Emplovees <br /> <br />Herrick reported that Arden Hills Is entitled to two more youths <br />under the "Summer Youth Emp loyment Program", and moved that the Council <br />approve the hlrlno of Peter Weller and Jeff Stedman; motion was seconded <br />by Olmen, Motion'carrled unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government <br />Pub lie Safety <br /> <br />Appointment of Zoning Administrator <br /> <br />Crichton moved, seconded by Herrick, that Charlotte McNlesh be <br />appointed Zoning Administrator for Arden Hi 115. Motion carried <br />unanimouSly. <br /> <br />Letter from Minnesota HiQhway Department <br /> <br />Mayor Crepeau rev i ewed a ! et~"., 1 rom the M I nnesote Highway Department <br />regarding speed limit and signaling of Highway 51. <br /> <br />Council members were requested to give Mrs. McNlesh their comments <br />for inclusion in a letter to be drafted to the highway department. <br /> <br />.'I! - <br />