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<br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />-7~ <br /> <br />July 3D, 1973 <br /> <br />Case No. 73-16, O. H. Gustafson - Special Use Permit <br />i <br />Hollenhorst referred the Council to the Special Planning Commission <br />minutes of July 24, 1973, In which four Planning Commission members <br />recommended that the Council not approve the Special Use Permit for <br />the Stonegate Planned Unit Development; two members opposed this <br />recommendation and three members abstained from voting. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden statod that the recommendation from the Planning <br />Commission, In his opinion, does not constitute a maJority and, <br />therefore, there Is no action from the Planning Commission. He <br />said, however, the Council may take action without the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation. <br /> <br />Mr. Dan Gustafson requested that he be permitted to present Informa- <br />tion to the Council which had been presented to the Planning Commission, <br />and to review several matters formerly considered by advisory committees <br />and staff members. Mr. Gustafson assured the Council that his presenta- <br />tion would answer the several reasons that the Plannlna Commission <br />had formerly recommended to the Counci I for donlal of the development. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson. In a slIde presentation, explaIned the site terrain <br />and explained that economIcally the land Is not suited for grid-type <br />single-family residential lots, because feasibly only 105 such lots <br />could be developed because of terrain. He said various housing types <br />were considered,:hut becau~e only about 60% of the site Is buildable, <br />the site lends Itself better to clusters of townhouses on the various <br />narrow plateaus and single-family lots on the wider plateau. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson explained that the loop street &Stonegate Drive would <br />be a 50' wide street rlght-of-ways to be dedicated to the Village, <br />with a 5' wide easement on either side for the storage of snow. He <br />said the cul-de-sac serving the single-family lots would also be a <br />dedicated street. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson described the townhouse units as being from 1,150 - <br />1,875 square feet In size. each unit to be comprised of three areas: <br />residential or living area, entry area and two-car garage area. He <br />said the garage would be located between units, ellmlnatlng the <br />"party wall", and providing a private front and rear yard for each <br />unit. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson estimated the range In cost of the proposed units at <br />from $37,000 to $49,500, which he said would be very comparable to <br />homes existing in the Village. He said oak millwork, high quality <br />carpeting, rough-sawn cedar exteriors are proposed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson said that the parks donation, which he had thought the <br />Parks and Recreation Committee had agreed would be acceptable, con- <br />sists of a $55,000 cash donation plus 3.4 acres In the northeast <br />portion of the Stonegate site. He said this donation exceeds the <br />total value required by the Village ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson said he felt that the road width and load limit questions, <br />by the engineer and fire department, have been resolved; concrete <br />curb and gutter will be provided along the 7-ton dedicated 50' rlght- <br />of-way street, and single-family lot loop drive, granting a 5' ease- <br />ment on each side for snow storage. He further stated that the <br />developer will agree to Village Engineer's adjustments to pipe sizes, <br />etc. and closed his presentation with the assurance that "Stonsgate" <br />will b, a contribution and a benefit to the Arden Hills community. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst asked wh~t effect a Home Owners' Assoclaton, apart from <br />the Village, would have on the community. <br /> <br />Mr. Gustafson said the Home Owners' Association provides for the <br />maintenance of the common space, Insurance, garbage pickup, painting <br />of the units; helps the community by providing recreation facilities <br />and providing sewer and water and garbage collection and street main- <br />tenance for many housing units, which would otherwis~ be provided by <br /> <br />-7- <br />